Im gonna get you

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I take the phone away from my ear like it caught on fire. Air caught in my lungs I hesitate. Did I really hear the name that I heard ?

"What the fuck did you just say?" I ask hoping that the answer would change.

"Come outside. Or you scared ya boyfriend gonna see you get in my whip?"

I look outside and there's a black SUV parked out front. I don't know if this is deja vu but I swear I seen this truck before . I slide into my Fenty slides and yell to my mom that I'll be right back. Running down the steps and out the door I look around to make sure D or Jaycion is nowhere around. Lord knows what would happen if they saw us together. I open the passenger side door and get in as he speeds away. He parks a few blocks down under a tree and I finally get to look at him. His skin was still the same dark chestnut brown with the same piercing black eyes. A few things did change however. Now he has a full grown beard and a scar that ran from his right eye down to his chin. A gash was above his left eye brow and right corner of his lip. He turns to face me and for the life of me I can't remember what I ever saw in him.

"How you been Gen?" He asks while licking his lips . His breath smelled rotten like something decayed in his throat .

"I've been good Zay what about you ? What happened since ..... the last time we saw each other. You just disappeared . I ain't gonna lie I thought some crazy shit ." I turn in my seat to face him and wait for a response. 3 years without a word who wouldn't have thought this nigga was dead.

"After ya brother's fuck ass home boys dropped me off on my step they took out a knife and held it to my throat . Made some dumb ass threats that didn't sit right with me so I spit on one of they faces . It pissed him off so he cut me from here*points to the spot right under his eye and drags it down to his chin* to here. Ma dukes found me and dragged my ass to the hospital . Once I was all stitched up I thought a nigga was going home . But nah she had other plans. Shipped me right out the state to live with my Aunt."

As he's telling me how life has been for him these past few years I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. All this just because he wanted some coochie? My anger against my brother rises as my sympathy for him settles.

He brings me back to the conversation when I hear "I came back a few months ago looking for you. It might seem crazy but I've been watching you. I can't help it . You were my first love . I had to make sure you were good . So I made sure you got to school safe, home safe and even was safe when you went out with ya girls. I wasn't even gonna approach you until I saw you with him." His voice changes from calm to irritated . He grips the steering wheel and stares out into the darkness. He's been watching me. That's all I can focus on and then it all dawns on me . I have seen that truck numerous times and it was outside the chicken place tonight. Outside of Jays apartment. What the fuck . He turns to me and places his hand on my thigh. My alarms go off and I have to get the fuck outta here ASAP .

"Zay I don't know what to say honestly . All I can do is apologize to you for how my brother overreacted . Is that what you wanted ? An apology? Well I gave you one. Now leave me the fuck alone !" I reach for the handle but before I could he reaches up and grabs me by my neck. Applying pressure with his thumb and his pointer.

"BITCH YOU THINK I WANT A FUCKING APOLOGY FROM YOU !" He screams in my face, spit landing on my cheek. " I got my ass beat for you ! I had to change my life because of you and you think I want a fuckin apology ? Then to add salt to the motherfuckin wound you running the streets with another nigga?" He yells. His eyes are the deepest shade of black I have ever seen and his pupils are dilated. I can't think and I can't breath. His hands reach into my pants and press against me. He whispers in my ear. "Did you give that nigga what was suppose to be mine? Huh? HUH BITCH ? !........ I snap out of the state of fear I was in and decided to fight back . I swing around and dig my nails into his face and drag it down . I open the door and take off running down the street to the first group of people I saw. They saw my appearance and knew something was wrong but didn't say anything. They just let me sit with them until his SUV drove off . Passing by he yells " I'll kill you bitch ! Believe that ! I really didn't give a fuck what he said as long as he was leaving . Once he was out of sight the group of people started asking if I was okay and if they needed to call anyone. They gave me their phone and I called the only person I could call who started this shit .... my brother .

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