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(Thank you for reading it this far. Excuse the grammatical and spelling errors I'm writing this book on my phone lol . Don't forget to like , comment and vote on your favorite chapters )


why does my head hurt? Where am I? Why is it so fucking dark? I tried to sit up but the pain was unbearable. As my vision start to focus all I could see was Ambi handcuffed to the chair across from me. What the hell happened. As I try to go over to her I realized that I am also handcuffed to my spot. What the fuck. I'm trying to put pieces of our day together in order. I woke up, got some head and left to ride out with my sister. She said she had to stop to get some dick from her new nigga. The rest is fuzzy. Taking my free hand I rub my belly , checking to make sure my baby is okay . I start looking around the dark room trying to make out anything familiar to me. I can't.

"Go tell him she's awake." A unfamiliar voice says to someone. I start to panic. The next voice I hear almost makes me piss myself.

"Sleeping beauty is up huh?" Xavier says as he walks towards me. He squats to look me in the eyes so I took that as my chance to spit in his face. He wipes it away and smiles. Just as quick as the smile came, it left and he slaps me. My scream wakes up Ambi and she looks at me confused. Reality sets in for her and her eyes turn from confused to frightened. The unfamiliar voice walks over to her and laughs.

"What is going on Shawn let me go. What the fuck is happening." When she said those words my memory comes crashing back. We DID stop at her boo house. When we got in the house he locked out the locks and offered us something to drink I decided to take a cup of water while she decided on some vodka. The drink! The drinks must've had some type of drug in it.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Zay! I'm pregnant . Please. Just let me go." I try to plead with what ever love he might have had left for me.

"You were suppose to be mine! But you decided to fuck with a lame ass nigga who don't know shit about you. Does he know what your favorite color is ? Cause I do? Does he know your favorite food? It's chicken and broccoli fettuccini. Does he know that when your scared you bite on the left corner of your lip and rub your feet together. No I bet he don't. Because he doesn't fucking love you Gen. I DID. I was just waiting on you to come to me but you didn't. You didn't even bother looking for me. His anger gets the best of him as he instructs one of the guys to uncuff me. He drags me to my feet so that we are face to face. "Xavier what was I suppose to do? You disappeared out of thin air! You didn't contact me or nothing nigga. What the fuck was I suppose to assume. I met him later on down the line and I don't know if he knows all that shit but I do know that I love him and I do know that him and my brother will kill you!" Before I could finish that last sentence he wraps his hands around my neck.i try to scream but nothing would come out. He throws me on the ground and kneels over me. In his eyes was darkness. I look over as Ambi is crying and begging Shawn to stop him from hurting me or my baby. Her voice was the last thing I heard before I blocked out.

I stood there stunned. Who's watching Genesis.? That line played over and Over again in my head. Me and Darren been trying for the past 2 hours to call her and her sister but neither one of them would answer . I'm panicking. What if he hurts her or my seed or worse? I don't even wanna think of the worse . I'm done playing games with this nigga. I pull out my gun and walk over to popout. I hit him in the head with the butt of the gun to wake him up. Putting it against the side of his head I tell him to tell me everything he knows. He refused. So I removed every bullet but one.

"We gonna play a game I like to call Russian roulette. Every time I ask you something and you don't give me a legit fuckin answer I pull the trigger."

"If I die how will you find ya baby mama?" He says with a smile.

"If you won't talk anyway why does it matter?" I pull the trigger and nothing happens . I start to smell a piss type of scent and I look down to the dark line going down his leg. Now I got his attention. "Start talking nigga."

"Iight iight. But you gotta let me go if I tell you ," ... I agree but there's no way I'm letting this nigga live. He helped put my girl in danger and that shit don't get a pass.

"Xavier lost his mind after that night that D whooped his ass. He stopped looking at Gen as just a bitch to fuck. She became a prize to this nigga. Every day he would ask updates on her , where she was going, what she was wearing. It wasn't until when we told him she started fuckin with you that he really lost it." I look over at D as he stares at me. I know what he's thinking. That this is somehow my fault, but nigga don't forget that it was the ass whooping that started all this shit off.

"So then he said he was coming back to get what belonged to him. That was the night he finally saw you 2 together. We followed y'all that whole day until you dropped her off. When she rejected him he decided that the only thing left to do was force her into loving him. He came up with this plan that one of our homeboys would get in good with the sister. And once her guard is down that's when he'll make his move. I told him I wasn't down with his thoughts so he told me to bounce . That's when I came to find y'all. But y'all niggas some billy bad asses y'all didn't give me fuckin time to explain." He tells us exactly where the girls are and I look up at D who I can tell had the same idea I had. I thank him for the info and as he shows a sign of relief , D pulls out his gun shooting him in the back of the head. No more playing with this nigga. I gotta get my girl. And when I know she safe. Time to end that nigga once and for all.

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