Guess who's coming to dinner

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Happy Birthday LaLa!!!!

Everyone screams as me and my daughter walk through the door of the building we rented. The inside was beautifully decorated with unicorns and rainbows and 3 colorful ballon columns. My immediate family had on pink shirts with her picture on the front and their relationship to her on the back. On the left side of the building a table that had small unicorn balloons and colorful plates was covered in candy, goodie bags, cotton candy and containers of glitter slime. I had 2 thrones made for me and her and they were placed at the center of the long dinner table. Games bounces and activity tables were through out the building surrounding the eating area. I couldn't help but tear up because it seemed like just yesterday her dad was being dragged out of our house and my water broke. Now it's her 5th birthday and she looks more like him each day.

"MOMMMYYY!" LaLa calls from the ball pit. I go over to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"How's my big girl?"

"Come in here mommy."

"Girl you bumped your head if you think my big butt is getting in there with y'all." I laughed at the thought of me getting stuck in the entrance hole and someone pulling my legs to get out. I watch on as LaLa plays with her cousins and friends from school. A set of arms wrap around my waist and pulls me against them. The familiar scent of his favorite cologne attacked my nostrils and brought a smile to my face.

"Hey Ms. Lady you didn't miss me too much I see, no kiss for your man?" I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss.

"Ewwwww mommy that's nasty." I look back at my daughter and roll my eyes playfully. She hates when I kiss anyone other than her, she tends to be a bit of the jealous type. I give my attention back to the man in front of me and we start dancing to the music. Baby shark doo doo do do do baby sharkkk the club version of baby shark had all the little kids turned up and dancing. La came over and started dancing with us.

"Go LaLa Go LaLa !" Everyone crowded around us and chanted her name as she tried to do whatever dance move the kids these days are doing. My man picks her up and starts twirling her around and dancing with her. Moments like these I'm thankful for because she didn't really miss out on many moments that she deserved. As I look around the room my heart swells with so much love and adoration for the people in this room. Everyone here has been a giant help with my daughter and for them I am grateful. Everyone is cheering and clapping for my two as they dance and laugh when the door opens. Chanica walks in and smiles at me. She calls for LaLa loud as hell that makes everyone turn to her .

"Hey Niece pooh come here your present is just too big that I can't carry it by myself." He places her down and LaLa takes off towards the door. I don't know if it was the few shots I took or maybe I was dreaming but for a minute I thought I died.

What was I gonna say? What was I gonna do? Would they be happy to see me? My mind ran with thoughts on the drive over to my daughters birthday party. I've been hiding out from everyone for a few weeks just so I could have this moment. Chanica parks the car and turns to me.

"You sure you okay? It's been a long time and I don't want you to get in here and act an ass when you see them." I know she was referring to Genesis and her nigga and I plan on handling that but today was about my daughter. Chanica went in first giving me a few seconds to get my self right. I've been preparing myself and calming myself so I don't flip the fuck out. I step out the car and head towards the door that Chanica has just went in. I waited to hear my baby girl voice and then I went inside. The whole room screamed in shock at the sight of me because no one but Chanica and her nigga knew I was home. I didn't even stay at my crib just in case Genesis decided to go there which I knew she did from time to time.

"Dadddyyy." LaLa jumped into my arms and hugged me so tight that she started choking me. She started to cry and it broke me. I cried with her. Not because she was crying but because I know that I caused those tears . I made her grow up without me and she was hurting.

"Shhhh baby don't cry daddy's here." I look up and my eyes find her. I can't tell if she's just in shock or mad but her face has this blank expression that'll scare the toughest nigga on the yard. I pat my daughters back and without taking my eyes off Gen I say "daddy's back for good." I guess her nigga knew I meant that in more ways than one because he pulled her closer to him and it took everything in me to not beat his ass in front of everyone here. La grabs my hand and drags me to where her mother stood.

"Mommy look daddy's home." Her face was still wet from her tears and her smile was so wide you saw every tooth that was there and that was missing. Her mother just looked down at her and smiled.

"Hey beautiful."

"Hello Jaycion. You could've let someone know you were coming home." She sounded annoyed and her attitude matched her voice.

"I let who I needed to know , know."

"Well she's happy and that's all that matters."

"Daddy this is Marcus . Mommy's boo thing. Ain't that what you call him mommy "boo thing?" He reaches his hand out to shake it and for the sake of my daughter I played nice.

"Wassup." That's the only thing I could say because I know if I said anything else I would've ended up losing it.

"Wassup I heard so much about you Jay." This nigga is not even her type. She like hood niggas and he a lame.

"My friends call me Jay so you can call me Jaycion." I look at Genesis who is starting to look nervous. Do she think I would really act up at my daughters birthday? The first birthday I get to spend with her for longer than 2 hours.

"Baby can you take La to go play some games so I can talk to her father?"

"Sure bae. Just call for me if you need me." He bends down and kisses her on the lips.

"Fuck no y'all not finna disrespect me like this." I call out for Chanica to get my daughter. No nigga gonna have playtime with my baby but me.

"Marcus baby go ahead and head out I'll call you later." The look of hurt and understanding flashed across his face. Ain't no way no shawty of mine gonna dismiss me for another nigga. So either she don't love him , or he too damn soft. I nod my head to a table in the corner and she follows me to it.

"You do look really good," I say as I pull out a chair for her. Her being her decided to take the opposite chair and sat down.

"Why didn't you let me know you were coming Jaycion?"

"Did you really wanna know?"

"No. It just would've been nice to have a heads up."

" so you still with him huh? Must be laying down something proper." She shifts and her seat and her cheeks turn red. Is she embarrassed?

"Not everyone wants sex."

"What you mean not.... y'all not fuckin?" She looks away and refused to answer my question. I pull her chair in between my legs and grab her chin to look at me.

"Have you fucked him?"

"No Jaycion I have not. I have not been with anybody but you." I don't know why but that made me the happiest nigga In the room right now. Without thinking I leaned in and kissed her . To my suprise she kissed me back. She pulled away and slapped me.

"You don't get to do this! You don't get to come in here and just claim your family. You left me. You told me to move on and that's exactly what I did. She stood up to leave and I grabbed her hand . My anger got the best of me when I saw what looked like an engagement ring on her finger.

"What the fuck is this?" The commotion we were causing started to gain attention. Chanica runs over to me and starts pulling on my arm.

"Let's go Jay." I won't trying to hear none of that shit.

"You marrying that nigga?" I can't lie my pride is hurt right now.

"Yes Jaycion I am. This is what you wanted remember?" She got out of my grip and took off towards our daughter . She picks her up and carries her towards the gifts. Oh hell no she won't get away that easy. She is mine. Im getting my family back. I just hope they ready.

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