Seven ..

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"Who the hell was that ?". Kadi's question broke through my personal thoughts causing me to look up at her .

"Someone Darren knows ." Is all I can say. I really don't know the answer to be honest. Who is this guy staking some type of claim . Does he not understand the severity of this situation. This can't end good for anyone. My phone vibrates and it's him.

Can I see you tomorrow ?

I think about it before replying. I gotta dead this shit and now.

Jay tonight was fun but we can't do this.

Baby girl stop stressing . I just want a few minutes of your time tomorrow. Just to show you a nigga meant what he said tonight .

Ughh every alarm in me is saying this is a bad idea , but baby down below is the one replying back saying let's meet up at the mall at tomorrow. I check my other texts from earlier and 2 was from Darren making sure I was home safe and saying he's out of town until Tuesday so catch a ride with Kadi .

That girl is something else. Her innocence is what's driving me crazy. She's defiant and pure . Feisty and angelic at the same time. I step of the shower, dry off and put on a pair of my Nike ballin shorts with the matching slides. Plopping down on the leather couch I take my phone off the charger and call back Sabrina . Sabrina is the little chick I use to fuck with back when I lived in Georgia. If she wouldn't have found my stash of coke and became addicted she could've been the one. So now I just make sure she good with housing and food. I beat myself up over it every day thinking about the life I lived in Georgia. The bodies I left behind to get here and start over . As I turn over to go to sleep I think about what could happen tomorrow. No doubt I'm feeling shorty hard. But she my homie sister. I always get myself in these fucked up situations that always end with someone hurt or worse .

The next day at 2 p.m

Where is my studs ? I can't never find my shit when I'm looking for it . I pull every jewelry drawer out until I find my favorite pair of diamond studs. I decided to dress casual cute in a Pink by Victoria Secrets outfit with a cute pair of sandals and some simple studs . I flat ironed my hair and let it flow past my shoulders. Taking one last look in my floor length mirror I order my Uber to get to the mall.

It's packed as shit in here. I don't know why the fuck she wanted to meet in the crowded as place where we could be spotted by anyone . She texted me to meet her by the bathrooms in the food court so I start walking that way. On my way there I noticed this thick lil chocolate drop staring at me a few feet away, walking the same direction I was. When our eyes met it gave her the confidence to approach me.

" hey you. were you looking for me ?" She asks in a playful but seductive tone .
" I don't know . I could've been. Whats ya name?"
In the middle of her telling me her name and a bit of her life story I spot my baby looking dead at us. She makes the simplest shit look good as fuck. All of a sudden I forgot whatever story about Louisiana this bitch was telling me and decided to return the same pettiness Gen gave me at the club last night . After remembering that the girls name is Layla I ask her what was her plans for tonight. I really don't give a fuck I just got to make it look like I'm interested. I smile a big fake ass smile and give shawty a hug. She was surprised by it and grabbed in to me telling me how good I smelled . And then she whispered in my ear how if I followed her into the handicapped bathroom she'll fuck the shit out of me . When I look up to see if Genesis is still watching she already less than a few feet away . Without acknowledging the girl, she steps in between us stands on her tip toes and tongue kisses me . She turns around and smirks at Layla who now has this dumbfounded look on her face .

"Baby you ready to go ? " Gen asked me even though she was still staring at the girl . I pull her by the hand towards the parking garage leaving Layla standing there in shock. When we get to my truck Genesis pushes me against the door and glares at me. Damn I want to fuck her right here. Right now. But I got to control my self.
"What the fuck was that ??? Smiling in another bitch face while I'm right there. Have you lost your mind ?" Her mouth is turned into a pout and her light brown eyes almost look back. Picking her up and sitting her on the hood I get in between her legs.

"You don't like that shit huh ? Now I bet you think twice when you do that bullshit like you did last night."

"You think shit sweet huh ? Put me down I'm leaving !" I pull my phone out to order another Uber but he snatches it out of my hand.

"Baby I was playing she ain't mean shit calm down ." Her lip still poked out I slide her off the hood and put her in the truck. Climbing into the diver seat I ask her where she wanted to go . Today is about her and proving that I want her in all the ways there is to want somebody.

" I wanna see where you live." I really don't wanna see where he lives I just want to see if he takes me there. If he does then that means he don't got a live in bitch. But what will I do once I'm actually there ? Will we watch Netflix ? Will we head back out ? Or will he actually make me his woman in the most nastiest way. I'm starting to get anxious just thinking about it.

I hope she knows that tonight will change everything. There will be no turning back. Just as I turn on to my street I see a familiar car. Darren.

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