What now?

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(Omg I've reached 12.5k reads. I couldn't do it without your constant support, love, and dedication to my story. Y'all bring my book alive and for y'all I am forever grateful! Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to like, comment, and share your favorite part!)


"Damn I miss this dick" I scream as I cum all over Jay's dick. MY dick. No matter the bullshit we go through deep down I know he'll never love another bitch like me and the more I think about it, the more I want him. He rolls over on his back and smiles but I see his dick is still hard. I lean over and kiss him and then climb on top of him. I plant soft kisses all over his chest while easing down on his dick. I rock my hips back and fourth to the beat that's playing in my head. He reaches up and grabs my breast in each hand while thrusting upwards into me.

"Yeah ma just like that. Ride daddy just like that." He slide his hands down my sides, gripping my waist and guiding me the way he wants. I lift up on my feet in a squatting position and start bouncing up in down and then rolling my hips in a circular motion.

"Have my baby Gen." I tried to ignore him as I worked on my last orgasm but he said it again and then grabbed my face to force me to look at him. " I know you love me girl. I know that nigga will never love you like I do. Your my Bonnie. Have my baby." He pulled my hair down so I could kiss him and I felt him pulsating in me. He grabs my hips and holds me in place as he.........

I open my eyes and blink a few times so I can adjust to the lighting in the room. My head is pounding and my body is sore but I can't remember much of that night. I try to sit up but the pain in my head gets worse so I turn over to my side trying to stretch. When my arms reach out I feel a masculine chest beside me. What the fuck. Just when I was about to scream, my mind is flooded with memories of that night. My dream wasn't really a dream. It was me reliving the events that had occurred moments before. I push the covers back slowly and easy my way out the bed on to the floor. I don't know why I'm crawling around like a fuckin ninja but I do know that I couldn't wake him up. I was not ready for the conversation that was coming. I creep into the bathroom and slowly close the door, locking it behind me. Maybe a long hot shower will help me clear my thoughts....... and ease these aches.

Last night was the shit. That's all I kept thinking about.i even heard her moan a couple times in her sleep. I sit up in bed and swing my legs over the side of the bed. Grabbing my phone I had a few missed calls so while she was in the shower I took that opportunity to handle some business. I had a few more plays to make with D before we both was out of the game for good. I heard the shower cut off so I laid back down and pretended to sleep. I didn't know how she was feeling so I laid low, watching her come out the bathroom in nothing but a towel. She sat on the end of the bed and started to lotion her body with a shea body butter. She got up, turned around and used the bed to prop on while she massaged her leg with shea butter.

"Your beautiful you know that?" She looked at me and then continued what she was doing. I climbed off the bed and walked over to her, didn't give a fuck that I was still buck ass naked. I grabbed the butter from her hands and told her to turn around. Taking enough, i massages it on her back and shoulders.

"I'm pretty sure I already asked you this Jay , but how did you get here?" She pulled her towel back up and turned to face me.

"I was kickin it wit my sis and she may have mentioned what they were planning for you. I couldn't let you go somewhere far and I not be able to look after you. Come on now Gen, you know me better."

"You don't need to look after me. I'm grown as hell and if you didn't remember by now, I'm also engaged to be married 2 days from today." She snatched the t shirt dress out her luggage and slid it over her now glistening body . She bent over to tie up her jordan laces and I eased up behind her and made sure she felt my morning wood. "Look, last night was a mistake. It shouldn't and won't happen again. I love Marcus. I'm IN love with Marcus and nothing is gonna change that." She raced around the room picking up my clothes that were tossed everywhere and threw them at me. We finished getting ready in silence. Both of us waiting for the other to speak.

"Listen bae," I grab her hand and lead her to the chair in the corner. She sits down and I kneel in front of her. " I know.... I know I fucked up. A nigga fucked up bad. I should've held on to you. At the time I panicked. I thought you were gonna end up either hating me or leaving me so I did what I thought was right." I paused to see if she was really listening and the fact that her eyes were glued to me gave me my answer.

"Jay you hurt me. You broke me. I couldn't eat sleep or shit without you. I lost my sanity for a few moments because of what you thought was a good idea at the time? You should've believed me ! Should've stuck it out with me! Loved me past your doubts. But you gave up on me. You left us. Jay."

"I didn't....."

"YOU LEFT ME! Instead of holding me closer, you pushed me away. Pushed me right into his arms. I needed you and you checked out on me. Made me feel like I ain't mean shit to ya ass." She started to cry and it made me want to literally cause harm to whoever hurt her. And then it hurt even more when I realized it was me causing these tears. I went to pull her into an embrace but before I could, there was knock on the door."

Knock knock knock

"Come in." Gen wipes her eyes and the snot from her nose.

"Yo sis its time to check out." Ambi stopped and looked back and fourth between us two.

"I'll meet y'all downstairs ."

"You sure ?" Her eyebrow raised and arms crossed. She was not gonna leave her sis side unless reassured that she was good.

"I promise I'm straight sis. Ima finish this up and I'll meet you." Denise waited a few more moments before shrugging and leaving the room. We both were quiet before I decided to break the silence.

"Baby I know I fucked up. I can apologize all day long, try to make it up all day long. But I just need to know your going to try. Last night meant something. It won't no late night fuck off. I made love to you. Confessed my love to you. I made promises to you. I just need you to say yes." I reach into my pocket and pulled the heart shape engagement ring out my back pants pocket. I know you still love me. And I know I'm the only nigga that can love you the way you need to be loved." He grabbed her hand and looked up into her eyes. "Just say yes and everything else will not matter."
I can tell she was thinking. She was doing the thing where she bites the inside of her lip. she's stuck.

"I love you Jaycion. I really do. But you showed me that love.... love isn't always worth it. I need stability and you can't give me that. I'm sorry Jay." She stood up almost knocking me on my ass. She grabbed her suitcase and headed towards the door. She looked over her shoulder back at me with tears streaming down her face and said "I choose the nigga that put me back together after you tore me apart. I choose him." She walked out leaving me there. On my knees. Screaming for her. For once I feel how she felt. Probably worse. What I do know tho, is that until she say I do, I'll never stop fighting for her. Hell maybe not even then.

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