21 questions

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(Thank y'all so much for taking the time out to read my story. Y'all help me mold and better myself as a writer and for that I am grateful. Please like share and comment on your favorite chapters and lines. Love y'all  ♥️♥️☺️)


On the way to the yard to lift weights I pass by one of the guards  I got in my pocket. We exchanged a few words about some work I got coming in later in the week. He pulls a square brown envelope out of his pocket and hands it to me. I give him his weekly payment and we quickly walk in opposite directions. Ducking off into a corner I open the envelope and go through the pictures. She looked so damn good in the outfit I brought her it's crazy. I had to let her know that I'm always thinking about her and she'll always be my shorty. Pic after pic she looked happy. But one pic struck a nerve. I brought it closer to my eyes to make sure a nigga wasn't buggin out or nothing. This was Genesis hugged up on some nigga. I know the look he got on his face cause I had that same goofy ass look when I first met her. Hell nah. They both got me fucked up. I shove the pictures into my pocket and took off towards the phones. One nigga saw the look in my eyes and made the smart decision to end his lil convo early cause if he didn't he probably would've ended up choking on the receiver. I couldn't dial my sister number fast enough.  After the formalities and waiting for her to accept the call I finally hear her voice.


"Yo where you at ?" I didn't have time for formalities when I'm on a mission.

"Excuse me? I'm home. Why?"

"Call Gen. NOW."

"Nigga. No. What the fuck is up witchu ?"

"Chanica . Call her." My tone came out cold and harsh. I hate talking to my sis like that but I need her to understand that I'm not in the mood for her shit. She tells me to hold on clicks over and calls Gen.


I feel the table shake and look down at my phone screen to see who it was. It's not her weekend to get La so I know it's not because of that. I excuse myself from the table and step outside the restaurant.

"What's up Nica?" I ask.

"Look idk what's up but he was being an ass so I had to call you." I knew she was talking about her brother and although I wanted to be mad at her I couldn't. I know how my bond with Darren is and if he asked me to do something, anything than I would do it. She clicks over connecting us all and tells us she's putting the phone down.

"What's so damn important that you had to hunt me down Jaycion."

"You look good on your birthday."

"Thanks and thanks for the gifts. Is that all?"

"Why you being so angry ma. Can't a nigga holla at his baby mama."

Nah not if he left his baby mama on some humbug shit." The hurt and pain was starting to take over her but she made a promise to herself that she would never let him see that side of her again.

"Oh yeah? Is that why you hugged up on a new nigga?" The line got quiet. No matter how mad Genesis is she know not to piss him off too much.

"What are you talking about Jay?" How can he know about Marcus. Better yet, why does he care ? He left remember?

"Come on ma. Stop tryna play me to my face. Who the fuck was that nigga you was all up on on ya birthday. The event I fuckin paid for!" I tried to talk with some sense but the fact that she was tryna act stupid was pissing me off.

"You left me. YOU left ME! I'm doing exactly what you told me to do . Live my fuckin life. Not waiting on you. This is what you chose for us so don't get fuckin indignant now my nigga." He got some damn nerve. Puffing our his chest like this not what he chose. Fuck outta here.

"Gen just don't have that nigga around my baby." That was my last line of defense to not sound like a Bitch.

"Excuse me? Who wakes up with her when she can't sleep, rubs her back when she has gas? Cleans up her throw up when she's sick? Gets up every 2-3 hours to make sure she's still breathing? Me nigga! Not you! So if I wanna have one man around her that's my business. Not yours."

"Gen. Baby. You know I don't make threats. Make sure you remember that bab .... you have 60 seconds."

"Fuck you Jaycion." I Squeezed my phone to try to calm my nerves before I walk back into the building. Who the fuck do he think he is? He's not my nigga and he's not here to dictate shit. He lucky I'm not having a parade of dicks around here. I inhale and exhale a few times and turn around to walk back in. Marcus looks at me trying to see if I'm okay and why I was gone so long.

"You good bae?" He motions to the waiter and asks for the check.

"Yeah I'm good someone sent him pics from my birthday party and you were in them." He looked confused but then realization flashes across his face.

"That party was a month ago the fuck. "

"I know. He also made it damn clear that he doesn't want you around our daughter and I already told you I'm not introducing you to her for a very long time but I wasn't gonna tell his ass that. He needs to sweat."

"It's good babe I'm not rushing. I told you. (He reaches across the table and grabs my hand) your worth the wait. Let's get outta here." We stand up and he tips the waitress. Walking out the door we stop in front of his car. He grabs my hands and turns me around to face him and presses me up against the door. We stare at each other as seconds went by as if he's asking for permission and without a word he bends down and kisses me. Not a normal peck on the lips but one of the kisses that makes a bitch wet behind the knees. I wrap my arms around his neck and pulled him deeper into the kiss. If it wasn't for the person parked next to us trying to get into their car then who knows what I would've ended up doing.

"I have hella patience girl. I told you. I don't plan on going anywhere unless you tell me too." I know he meant for it to be sweet but it kinda pissed me off. Those words were said by Jay and he did in fact leave. He opened the car door and waited for me to get comfortable in the passenger seat before he closed the door. He's a sweet guy, smart, educated, a jock. A total difference than what I'm use too. Hood niggas that sell drugs and love the flashy life. Who knows? Maybe he's exactly what I need.

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