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Why did he have to stop ? It felt good having someone else's hands on me . Not getting myself off for once . He stares at me quizzically . He has something he wants to say but I can tell he doesn't know how.
"How many niggas you been wit ?" He looks in my eyes as if he's waiting for me to tell a lie.

"What the fuck did you just say? Does it fuckin matter ?" I slide off of him and fix my dress . I can't believe he had the nerve to ask my damn body count. I ain't ask him and I know he a hoe. How could he not be 1? I reach for the door handle but he pulls my hand back .

" relax shawty.  I was asking because you hella tight and if you are what I think you are , I damn sure wasn't gonna make your first time be in the back of a damn Hummer. He plants soft kisses on my cheek, then my neck before he bites on my shoulder . A little bit of relief washed over me. Maybe it was from his words , or maybe it was the kisses but something calmed me down and I was okay with that .

"Yes I am a virgin. It's kinda hard to fuck around when my brother owns the damn city almost. He won't even let a nigga breath the same air as me. Matter of fact this a bad idea. This situation will only get you hurt ." I lean back on the chair and close my eyes. This is how all my conversations with niggas end these days. With a warning that fuckin with me can end they life . Instead of him kicking me out he scooted closer to me and rubbed my clit through my thong. Applying pressure with his pointer finger while sucking on my neck. He whispers in my ear ,

"As bad as I wanna fuck you right now, I'll restrain my self .because when I do give it to you, I want you to be mine and only mine ya hear me ? No talking to no other niggas . Because I'll kill a nigga if I even think he fuckin witchu . Idk what you did to me but now you ain't going no where! Understand ?"

I wanted to cuss his ass out . Who the fuck do he think he is? Telling me who I can and can't fuck with . I wanted to get up and go back in and find my dance partner and show Jay that I can't be controlled, but the pressure and movement of his fingers got me speechless. All I can do is let out a few moans . He tucks one finger through the side of my thongs and inserts his pointer finger. His finger is long and thick and at first it was a little uncomfortable but now it's pure heaven . He bent it upwards touching a spot I never knew existed. In between kisses and thrusts of his hand he tells me he will make me his . Im only his . I will have his baby and all the other dumb shit niggas talk while in the moment. I just lay back and enjoy the ride .  5 minutes go by and I'm screaming in ecstasy. I never came that hard when I masturbated. He pulls his finger out and sucks on it. That was some sexy shit. He hands me a shirt he had on the floor and I wipe off . Checking my handheld mirror I make sure Everything is still in place. While reapplying my lip gloss I see 3 giant ass hickeys on my neck.

" nigga what the fuck! How the fuck am I gonna explain this shit !" He just looks at me and laughs like shit is funny. If I see Darren before this goes away then some shit will go down and he'll turn this city upside down until he finds out who put these here. 

"Just tell him you got in a fight or some shit . Wear a damn turtle neck. But baby girl  believe me when I tell you, I'm not the least bit scared of your brother ." I get out the truck and pull my dress down before someone saw my whole ass. We head back into the club just as they are doing last calls for the bar. It didn't take long for Kadi to spot me and him coming in together. She rushes over to us to introduce herself and he nods, turning his attention to me .

"What's ya number ?" He asks while handing me his phone . I take it and put my number in it. Saving it under baby girl.  He offers to walk us to our car but I quickly declined. All I need is for one of my brothers flunkies to see us leaving together and to give him a call. He may not be scared of him, but he also never seen what he's capable of.

I sit back and wait for her to get to her car. Right as she was getting into the car a dude walked up to her and grabbed her by the arm. Not too hard but it still made a nigga uneasy. She's laughing and looking at my direction. Totally ignoring what the fuck I just told her ass . Maybe she thought I was joking ? Maybe she just wanna test to see how I can be but she's about to find out . Just as he hands his phone to her I hurry across the parking deck reaching out and snatching the phone out his hand. She looks at me like he seen a ghost .

"Maybe you misunderstood me baby girl but I told you NO other niggas. Now tell him have a good night before I knock his ass out ." I say in a soft but firm tone. He starts to say something but before he can finished I punch him dead in the mouth. He falls to the ground and looks up at me with murder in his eyes . He weighs his options and I guess he took the option to get the fuck outta here. She pushes me and yells "what the fuck is wrong with you ."

" I warned you . Don't make me show my ass again. You mine. Remember that before you have every nigga around with a broken jaw ." I wink at her and walk back to my car and drove off.  If she didn't believe me before I'm sure she does now .

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