Thats mine !

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These past 6 weeks of taking care of Marcus has been hell. I don't know why men wanna be little bitches when they get hurt. We both know who actually whooped his ass but I guess we took a silent oath not to speak of it. Every action has a reaction and he reaped what he sowed. We're all even. The wedding was changed to this Saturday and the quicker the day comes the uneasier I feel. Am I making the right decision? I love him don't get me wrong, and I know he loves me, but are we for each other? Whenever I ask that question, Jaycion's face clouds my vision. FUCK. Why do I still love that bastard? He left me! But I still can't shake the feeling. Since Marc is able to walk and shit now he's been doing his last minute shopping for the wedding which give me some alone time.  All my sisters are busy getting the shit for my bachelorette party so I call up Chanica to see if she wants to day drink. It's 5 o clock somewhere right ? She agrees to meet me at hooters around 2:30 so that gives me 45 minutes to throw on something cute and meet her. I pull out a cute pair of denim wash jeans with a red off the shoulder shirt that has an open chest area. I slid my freshly pedicured toes in my Louis Vuitton sandals and headed out the door.  I got there just as Chanica was pulling in so we decided to get parking spots side by side. Even though she's his sister I still feel like she's mine as well. She's been here through all our bullshit and she's Layah ain't so it's basically like we are family too.

"Hey Geni !" She pulls me in for a tight hug and rocks back in fourth.

"You know damn well I hate when you call me that." I roll my eyes at my friend and we head in side. 1 hour later and 6 drinks in and we are LIT. We did not think we would get these fucked up but it felt good to let go and forget all the stress I've been under.

"Nica there's no wayywecandriveee," my words slur together and I drooled a little.

"Don't worry boo I got us a ride they should almost be here." Before I could ask who a guy walks up to our table with a friend and decided to seat theirselves. I wanted to have an attitude but I was too drunk to muster up one.

"Hey beautiful ladies what y'all drinking on." The taller of the two was looking at Chanica like she was a fresh pair of Jays that just dropped.  The darker one who said his name was Toni scooted closer to me and places his arm behind my chair. They ordered us 2 more Incredible Hulks and then some wings. Chanica seemed to be enjoying herself with Quanzo so I decided to play a good little wing women so she could get her Mack on. Toni went on and on about his life, what school he went too , how he was looking for a woman to settle down with and how I looked like I could be the one. I tried not to roll my eyes so I just sat and smiled and laughed at the few wack ass jokes he told me. He placed his hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze. I cringed at his touch but as long as he didn't go any higher we were good. Chanica looked like she really was into the friend and I wasn't gonna mess this up for her. Since I didn't ask him to his hand he proceeded to ask me if I had a man and insisted that we move this 4some to his crib. I was just about to give him a royal cuss out before I was saved by who I figured was our ride. Jaycion grabbed the nigga up by his shirt and pushed him out the way. Darren and their other homie Quis backed up so he could hit the floor.

"Now Toni. Why the fuck you got your greasy ass hands on my lady man?" Jaycion asked.

"Im not your damn lady." I say with an attitude. He shot me a look that told me to shut my ass up and I didn't exactly that.

"My bad Jay I didn't know that was you man." Toni got to his feet and was telling Quanzo to bring his ass. Quanzo was in the middle of giving Chanica his number when Quis smacked him in the back of the head.

"Nigga if you don't bounce with ya homie it's gonna get real, real quick."

"Nigga who the fuck, I ain't no fuck nigga you think you can put ya hands on." Quanzo stood up and got into Quis face. Quis  lifts up his shirt to show off his .45 and Quanzo looked down and changed his tune.

"My bad bruh I ain't know. We good." Quanzo and Toni left without out saying shit to me or Chanica. Pussy ass niggas. Chanica tried to stand up and cuss my brother out but she ended up losing her balance and falling into his arms. Yeah my homegirl was drunk drunk and it was time for us to go. Darren lthrew Chanica over his shoulder threw money down for the tab and took her to Jay's car. He laid her on the backseat and made sure she was good before he took her keys out her purse and drove off in her car.

"You okay to walk lil mama?" Jay looked me up and down to make sure I was okay to stand on my own 2 feet.  I stepped down off the barstool and my knees buckled. Jay caught me and swooped me up in his arms. All I can remember is him saying "I got you bae, always." Before I passed out.

I put a sleeping Genesis in my passenger seat before turning to Quis and handing him Gens keys .

"Aye look follow me to drop my sister off and then to Gens house." We dropped my sister off first. I unlocked her door as he carried her in the house and laid her in her bed. I made sure her doors were locked and she was good before we left. I'm not as over protective over my sister as Darren is over Gen but I gotta ask Quis what that lil show was about back at Hooters. I've been seeing the way he looks at her whenever she's around himbut I never thought to ask him about it til now. I pull up to Gen house and get tense when I see Marcus's car in the drive way. I try to wake her up but she was not budging. Walking over to her side of the car I lift her out and carry her to her door. Quis knocked a few times before the door flew open and Marcus was standing in the door way. I pushed passed him and carried Gen up the stairs in search of her bedroom and then laid her down on the bed. I took of her sandals and pulled the cover over her body. When I turned around an angry Marcus was in the room.

"What is your problem Jay. She made her choice. Why can't you accept it?" I brush the hair away from her face and then turn to look at him.

"You know she'll always belong to me. You know she didn't choose you, she settled for you my nigga."

"I'm a lawyer. I should throw your ass under the jail for what you did!" I hopped off the need and got in his face.

"Well as a lawyer you know I had an alibi and you have no proof so what jail am I going under?" We stare each other down before I decided to be the bigger person. "Look I'm not trying to fuck shit up for you . I just know like you know that she she really makes her choice, it'll be me. Always." He slumped his shoulders in defeat and stepped to the side so I could pass. "And one more thing." I turned to make sure he saw the seriousness in my face. "You put your hands on her again. I'll make sure you'll be unrecognizable ya hear me my G?" I didn't give him time to answer I just quietly walked out the room and closed the door behind me.

(Hey luv bugs it's getting closer to the end. Who will she choose? The person who has her heart? Or the person so picked up her broken pieces ?Will the loser easily walk away? Who knows cause I sure don't lol comment what you think should and will happen and maybe I'll choose one of y'all suggestions. And excuse the typos I'm writing on a phone. Muahhh)

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