5- Popsicle

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After Mr. Park drove me home, I felt like dying. Well, I did die several times before during dinner, but now it feels better, but with a different level of dying. My stomach was so full that moving my feet was really painful.

I was walking on the lawn.

Mrs. Park also sent some extra dumplings to my mom. She cooked so much today that I had to carry the burden of all that. It didn't feel so great trying to keep my balance while trying not to die right on the spot.

Somehow my younger brother spotted me from outside his window. He probably thought I was drunk or something because I could hear him yelling at my mom that I was walking like a drunk man.

My mom burst out of the house and saw me with all those plastic bags in my hand that had food. She thought for sure that I brought home some beer bottles.

I earned myself a slap for carrying some dumplings.

I did explain to her that they were just some dumplings that Mrs. Park sent. Though she did yell at me for not letting her know that I was at Jimin's house.

Was she worried about me? No crap!

I was relieved when she finally talked to me after a long time. I felt happy. I didn't feel that for a long time.

I also didn't go over to Jimin's house for a long time either.

Today was a very weird day. Not only someone else found out about my song, I also got to have a disastrous dinner over at Jimin's house and I got to hear my mom finally talk to me.

Though she was yelling at me, I don't care.

I have mixed feelings about this.

__________ . . . . . __________

After I got all cleaned up and after I gave my brother a whack for laughing at me getting yelled at, I checked my phone.

Not for Jimin's texts. But for V Live.

I got what I didn't want anyways.

What day is it today?

Unknown Number

Do u evr stop txting?


dont u hv a phone to check ur date?


First ans: no

Second ans: no

Unknown Number


so wht?


So wht day is it today?

Unknown Number

Dont kno

Dont care




Unknown Number


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