20- Not an Alien, but a Hippo

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I didn't move from my seat. I couldn't move.

Every so often, Jimin would look back and check whether I was still in my seat or not. As much as it annoyed me, it annoyed the person sitting in front of me even more. I heard him saying, "Jimin bro, are you OK or not?"

Maybe he didn't sound annoyed, but I could feel the annoyance coming out of him. I mean who wouldn't be annoyed if the guy in front of them kept on looking back and maybe catching each others' eyes?

I definitely would.

After the guy asked Jimin that, Jimin apologized and mouthed the words 'I'm watching you" to me. I couldn't help but find the whole thing funny.

First of all, why is Jimin so serious about this? Second, why does he want to hang out with me today?

The more I think about it, the more suspicious it is. Then I realized, why am I so serious about this?

So I stopped being serious about this.

After the third period ended, it was already lunchtime. I forgot about all the matter of Jimin and I hanging out because he stopped looking back at me and shooting me knives with his gaze.

And so I was peacefully taking out my lunch before Jimin pinched me on the arm and I let out a shriek.

"What was that about?" Jimin asked, laughing at my sudden shriek.

"What was that about? Are you fucking with me? You fucking pinched me with your long-ass nails! Never cut them in your life, did you?" I ranted about Jimin's non- existent long nails. I know he doesn't have any long nails, I just didn't want to say he had strong fingers.

I just said he has strong fingers...

Jimin examined his nails at my comment. He looked at them like he just got them done; with care.

"But I just clipped my nails yesterday. Maybe you have thin skin." He pointed at the red spot on my arm.

"Thanks, I don't wanna be a hippopotamus." I said so while taking the lid of my lunch box off- revealing some well put kimbap.

"You still eat kimbap?" That was Jimin, questioning my lunch choices.

"Just because you all filled me up with said food, doesn't mean I'll stop eating it so easily." Saying that I put one cut kimbap in my mouth.

"Reasonable." Jimin snatched the chopsticks away from my hand and helped himself to my lunch.

"Where's your lunch?" I asked annoyingly, watching him finish my kimbap.

"Ah fovot ee at fom." Even though I understood what he said, I rolled my eyes at him; not asking for my chopsticks back.

Because I'm a nice person, and I just rolled my eyes.

I just rolled my eyes.

And Jimin does that.

Internally I was questioning myself, but on the outside, I was looking at my food being gobbled up.

Then I spotted Jin Hyung coming this way.

Poor him, Namjoon ain't here.

I' ma make fun of him now.

"Oh Hey Hyung, Namjoon isn't here today." I waved at Jin Hyung, who looked surprised at my warm welcome. To be exact, Jimin looked at me as well with surprising eyes.

"Oh, Namjoon isn't here today." Jin Hyung's voice sounded quieter than usual, indicating he didn't know that Namjoon was absent.

Considering how close those two are, it's really a shocker that Jin Hyung doesn't know about Namjoon not being here. I hope I didn't make them feel awkward around each other. I'm not that bad of a person.


"Yeah, that's what I said." I said so to a gawking Jin Hyung at Jimin eating my lunch clear. I guess I'll just starve to death today. And I promised to myself, I'm never eating lunch in front of Jimin again.

Jin Hyung just sighed at something; probably at the fact that he didn't know about Namjoon, and asked, "So, Taehyung, who does Namjoon like?"

Jimin choked on his kimbap when Jin Hyung asked me that. I know I told everyone that Namjoon likes someone, is that why Jin Hyung is feeling down?

"Do you really wanna know?" I asked Jin Hyung back; really hoping that he says no and I don't have to make up any more lies.

"No, he doesn't." Jimin snapped, quickly putting the lid back on my lunch box and punching me where he pinched me before.

"Why don't we all go and find Yoongi, yeah?" Jimin asked, mostly to Jin Hyung. Before Jin Hyung could respond, Jimin grabbed him by his shoulders and pushed him to go.

I know Jimin was about to shoot daggers with his eyes at me again and he did. I just shrugged, internally relieved, and went off with them to find my mentor.

That is; Yoongi.

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