It's really hard to believe how much shit I had to go through, only to go through more shit. Now people would think since all this well and good with Hoseok and I, as of now, everything is all happy and bubbly.
Sadly, that's not how real life works. After I got to school the next day, Hoseok gave me a lot of whacks on the head for insulting him with memes. I don't know what's wrong with that, he practically ruined my whole reputation with the memes that he sent.
And he did not have to send all those in the group chat.
But I decided not to let him know that his insults get to me, because they barely do. So I took in the whacks and smirked meticulously at him, in order for him to know that 'Whack me all you want, at the end of the day, you still think I insulted you the most'.
Or something similar to that.
"Who gave you the right to insult me like that?" Hoseok boomed his voice and said that with a beat similar to his hitting.
"You literally were the one who started it." Although, I kept smirking up at him.
"Calm down, jeez, what the heck happened?" Jimin turned back from his desk, as the first period was about to start.
"Oh, you know full well what happened. He insulted me!" Hoseok voice gave off hints of disbelief.
"See what happens when you invite unwanted people up in your group chat? Yeah, me too." I said that, earning myself a glare and yet another whack from Hoseok.
"I am not unwanted, Your ass is."
"How do you know my ass is unwanted?" Saying that I gave him a bigger smirk and both Jimin and Hoseok gave me a disgusted face.
"Why are you like this?" Jimin sighed real loud as Hoseok said, "What is wrong with you?"
"Is Namjoon sick or something?" Finally, I noticed the absence of Namjoon next to me. It felt really empty without his tall ass body right next to me.
"I am pretty sure he doesn't wanna see your ass being wanted." Hoseok eyeballed the door, possibly looking for the teacher or Namjoon's arrival.
"Yes, Hoseok, he did catch a cold." Jimin emphasized Hoseok's name.
"Is it contagious?" But that's what I said instead of blowing a huge raspberry at Hoseok.
"Um, maybe? How am I supposed to answer that?" Jimin answered my question with a confused face.
"Well, I don't know. You're the genius around here. And Hoseok isn't." I shrugged at Jimin's confused face.
"What the fuck?!¨ And so was Jung Hoseok's reaction.
"Yeah, get your ass back to your seat, the teacher is here." And so was my reaction back at his reaction.
_________ . . . . . __________
Jin Hyung was absent today as well.
"Well then, I wonder what Jin Hyung is up to.¨ Yoongi thought like a legendary thinker when we found Jin Hyung's late arrival very annoying.
"Remember yesterday he said he had a test?̈ Jimin chimed in his nosey ass nose.
"Yeah, well, it's only one test though.¨ I tried to reason with their unreasonable little holes for a brain.
"Why are we missing him so much anyway?"
To my question, all of their eyebrows shot up so high that I couldn't help but laugh at their faces.
"Just because nobody misses you when you are absent, that doesn't mean Jin Hyung isn't being missed." Yoongi punched me so hard on the guts that I almost had a seizure because of it.
In my head.
"I didn't know you held feelings of attraction toward somebody." That was me, making myself look stupid in front of everywhere.
"Boy, I am about to slap you so hard that your teeth are going to be scared to even show up in your mouth." And Yoongi sounded and looked like he was able to make inanimate objects scared.
"Ok dang sorry, was just saying."
"Yeah well, shut that trash fall before he actually does all of that." Hoseok said in a calm voice as if he really didn't care whether my teeth were scared or not.
He probably would be amused to look at me looking like a sixteen-year-old grandpa.
"Stop being mean to Taehyung. He was just saying what he was thinking." And so said Jimin.
I didn't like it.
"If he thinks like that, then thinking should be made illegal." Yoongi scoffed really loud, that it almost sounded like a snort.
"Ugh, stop already. Can you guys never talk about other things?" Jimin rolled his eyes big, looking at the ceiling.
"I can't really think of anything else to talk about though?" Hoseok question- answered Jimin's eye roll.
"We can talk about how you have a crush on Minji." Jimin smirked at Hoseok, whose face showed no reaction at all.
"Quit lying. I don't like liars." Hoseok's voice wasn't anything scary or frightening, but it terrified me to the core.
"OK fine. I was trying to spice things up a bit." Jimin sniffed loudly and pouted.
He's so fucking annoying.
"The only thing you can spice up is curry that your mom makes." Yoongi sipped his milk again.
Yeah, I didn't realize he had that for his lunch. Honestly, I am not even surprised, he might even sleep with milk carton by his bed.
"Or your dad. No discrimination allowed in this household." Hoseok's voice broke me out of the amaze of just staring at Yoongi's milk carton.
"What household? You're married? O ew! Boy, you have STD?" Before I could finish what I was trying to finish, Hoseok whacked me so hard that I hit my head on the table.
That's because I was already lying my head down on the desk.
But still, pain is pain. No matter the size.
And so I slammed my heavy math textbook up on Hoseok hand, making him shriek. Which was funny, until he literally slammed the book on my head.
He was very violent. He should be expelled.
"O my Lord. Stop!" Jimin tried to take the book away from us, and even though he succeeded, he got hurt on his arm.
And the glare that he gave us both made us drop faster than the stock market drop of Great Depression up in the US.
Even Yoongi stopped sipping his milk for a while, then he went back to sipping it again.
"I know one of you didn't hurt my arm." The way Jimin said it made it obvious that one of us did, in fact, hurt his arm.
"It was him." I put my quick thinking skills at use.
When I pointed at Hoseok, Jimin looked at him, which made Hoseok look at me with death glares.
Hey, can't a guy defend his life? Sure, he can.
But I ended up getting bit by both of them at the end, with Yoongi watching me getting bit up while sipping the last bit of milk from his carton.
__________ . . . . . __________

Guilty as Charged
FanfictionDrowning in his own past, Kim Taehyung feels as if he doesn't belong in this world . He feels as if, he should've been with his most loved one. But soon he realizes, the world isn't what he thought it was and nor he can do whatever he wants. And thu...