33- High

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Jimin was texting me after school about how Hoseok will be transferring to our school soon.

Actually, Jimin was more of forced to do so.

It went like this.

He told Jungkook that Hoseok will be transferring. And Jungkook bet him ten bucks to tell me that news.

I don't blame Jimin, money is needed.

Though, I don't know why Jimin needs to be greedy and keep the ten bucks to himself. He probably already walks around with a Gucci wallet with Gucci money-filled inside.

Gucci money as in a very high amount of money.

Back to the point, the Jungs decided to never set foot in England and just be happy being where they are now. But in order to do that, their older child, Hoseok, needs to complete his education over here. So that means he will be attending our high school since it was his home high.

I felt like the universe was playing with my mind. It's already pretty bad that Hoseok can't see my guts from ten miles away, now he will have to be with me inside the same building.

I felt bad for both of us.

But I didn't give much thought to it. As long as Hoseok became part of another section of tenth grade, then I will be good to go.

But deep down inside, I knew I was about to get screwed.

Because every time I get my hopes up, something terrible happens. So I was trying my best to not hope that Hoseok is going to be in other sections.

But who can hide their feelings? It just... comes out.

After Hoseok told me to get the fuck away from him, I was trying my best to stay away. But the whole situation was like an elastic band, the farther I stretch it, the harder it snaps.

Honestly right now, I really wish I had someone to guide me through all of this. I wish I had someone to tell me what to do, to show me the right way.

I was walking on the road all on my own.

It was getting pretty late. The afternoon sun was setting and the whole surrounding became an orangish-red color. I liked how the environment changes its colors as the days pass. In the morning, it will paint the color blue all over its image, but during the afternoon, it was orange and in the night, it was black.

It practically goes from a mood of happy to mysterious.

I wonder if the days have feelings. Maybe they are morning... people. That's why all energy seems to get sucked out of them by the end of the night.

But for me, I am the opposite.

Like the Yin and the Yang.

Thinking that I noticed I was at the spot of my accident. I remember that day clearly and well.

At that time, I was coming back from school and as I passed the disgusted eyes of the other students, I saw cars vroom past me. And I was reminded of my dad. I was reminded of my grandpa. And I was reminded of the sad eyes of my mom.

I felt like the world didn't have a place for me. I felt out of place. So I stood in the middle of the road, as a car was coming with full speed- to make a spot in the world for someone who actually fits in.

I was standing right on the very spot as I was thinking about this.

Maybe things have changed over the years, because the once busy street- full of fast cars, was now full of nothing but the afternoon tint and the cool breeze. So I decided to walk right along the middle of the road.

It felt like I was re-living that day. As if I was fighting back and moving on the way home with the death force coming this way.

Like when a strong wind slaps you in the face, but you have to go to the store to get your mom some onions or she will make you eat bell peppers.

Bad example.

I was expecting something dramatic to happen by now like another car would pass by and miss me by an inch or strong wind blowing and making my hair go flowy. Like the romantic scenes in the movies.

When the characters' hair moves with the wind because their hair is healthy, the viewer better believe that an important scene is about to come. Either they are about to die or their long lost friend slapped them.

Neither of which happened to me. I was left all alone. And I was enjoying my time with myself. I think I need more of this me- time, so I can rethink my life decisions and mistakes.

And maybe learn from them once in a while.

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Nothing much happened during the past three days or so. But as predicted, Hoseok got into my classroom.

Honestly, I didn't even get surprised when Hoseok was entering the classroom on his first day. We already had a small class, so of course, all new students to the school would be added in this classroom.

Anyway, I was relieved for some reason.

Maybe because I didn't have to worry about which classroom is Hoseok going to be in anymore.

Yes, I have been doing that since the day I got to know that Hoseok will transfer to my school.

He introduced himself like his old self, the one that was familiar to me. The Hoseok that was always happy, who always saw the positive sides of things. Who always smiled at me first when we met.

I know he didn't change his best quality. What changed about him is his point of view on me.

I was getting tired of myself thinking about how I was the reason for everything. While it was still true, it was just getting boring. I needed something new to think about.

When Hoseok made eye contact with me, and I made with him, we quickly looked away like we never saw each other.

I think I could see some disappointment on his face.

"Oh, why am I stuck with his asshole again?"

"Ew, the fuck is he doing in my classroom?"

I tried to think of all the possibilities of what Hoseok was thinking of at that moment. I used to do that a lot. When I didn't have anything to do, I would look at some random person and try to simulate in my head what they were thinking about.

It's fun, people should try it sometimes.

I was very cautious of every move that Hoseok was taking or was forced to take.

Thankfully, he got a seat on the other side of the room, very far away from me.

"Whoah, I didn't know Hoseok was in this class." Namjoon said quietly, probably not wanting me to hear him.

"OK so now that we are settled in, let's continue with our regular assignment." The teacher clapped her hands together and grabbed the marker to write on the board.

"It's not even the beginning of the year and we are working like cows." I complained to Namjoon, who obviously was ready to defend his studies.

"Bro, you literally came to school in March." Namjoon shook his head to me.

Fine, I was still getting used to going to school but he didn't have to shake his head at me.

That's rude.

So I hit him with my right elbow as hard as I could. And as a response, he slapped me really hard on the back.

Which made a sound.

Which also made the people sitting in the next row wheezing at our scene.

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