6- Black

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I was woken up by a bang on my door. It took me quite a while to process what was going on. I slept very late yesterday night, trying to finish my painting of a man with the green beard.

I very painfully walked up to my door and opened it to find my brother on the other side.

"What?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.

"There are some strangers banging on the door." He answered me.

"OK, and?"

"And mom's not home because she had to go on an overshift or something so mom can't open the door. And I'm too scared to open it so you do it." Yohan, my brother, said without stopping for a breath,

He was so fast that I stood there in front of my door for a moment before frowning down at him. I sighed and walked past him, towards the door to see who was the cause of the disturbance of my Saturday morning sleep.

"What the hell did you graduate eighth grade for?" I scolded Yohan under my breath before opening the door for those strangers.

As I guessed, it was Jimin and two other boys. One of them looked really young to be hanging around with a bunch of tenth graders. The other one was the same height as Jimin and wore all black.

Who wears all black under a 40° celcius, scorching Sun?

"So are we just going to stand outside for another ten minutes?" The guy wearing all black asked Jimin. "Also, why do you look like you just took a shower in acrylic paint?" The dude wearing black asked me this time.

I looked down at my shirt and saw splutters of green and purple paint everywhere.

Should I feel embarrassed or should I not care?

I decided to do both. It's not my fault that I'm a talented artist, but then again, it was my fault that I was wearing an ugly tie- dyed shirt in front of people I don't know.

So I asked "Why are you here? Did I not tell you not to come?" That was for Jimin but the next one was for all of them. "Also my mom's not here so you all can go home now."

"So? We were here to meet someone named Kim Taehyung. Not you or your mom, so stop arguing and go fetch Kim Taehyung." That all- black dude was pissing me off at 9 o'clock on a Saturday morning.

"I am Kim Taehyung." I answered him grimly.

"Ugh, such a great way to meet someone, am I right?" Jimin glared at both me and the black dude before doing his eye roll that he does.

"Anyway, come on Jungkook. All this arguing and all this heat is bad or you." Jimin shoved past me, and entered my house, holding Jungkook's arm.

"Hey! Get o..."

"Make me." He and the young looking boy put their shoes on the reck and headed toward the living room.

So now it was only me and this all- black dude who, I suppose, is Yoongi.

So I asked, "Do you want me to close the door?"

And so he answered, "Yeah, right after I get in."

I really don't like him.

_________ . . . . . __________

"OK so let's get to know each other properly this time, yeah?" Jimin asked, mostly me and Yoongi but I don't give a damn.

We were all in the living room, sitting as far away from each other as possible, well except for Jimin and Jungkook. For all I know, none of us wanted to know each other. So even after Jimin's said words, we just sat there like nobody cared, because nobody cared.

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