38- Pregnant

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Yoongi's birthday rolled around and he wasn't so enthusiastic about it. The whole school knew about it since everybody around here likes to make such a big deal out of nothing.

During lunch Yoongi came over to our class and he looked more exhausted than he already looks.

And he always looks exhausted.

When he arrived at our area, he sighed so hard that I could feel his minty breath.

Whose breath smells that good all the time?

Not that I care or anything.

"The whole day people have been coming up to me and wishing me happy birthday." He rubbed his eyes as if he was very sleepy.

"Well, it's normal. It's your birthday today after all." Jin Hyung shrugged, which I saw as his shoulders dancing to opera.

Long thing short, it's hella weird.

"Yeah but I don't want to be reminded that I am gonna die earlier than I would've last year." Saying that Yoongi squinted his eyes as if he was reconsidering what he said. "Though it wouldn't be so bad if I died."

"If you die, who's gonna play the piano like that?" I guess Namjoon was feeling nice today, or else he would so something fucked up shit like 'Alright then, one less person to deal with'.

I don't know.

"I don't know. Someone can take over. After all, the king has to step down sometimes." Yoongi said that in such a serious face, as he meant it, that I couldn't help my laugh in.

"Why are you laughing like someone died?"

What the fuck is wrong with Yoongi. Who laughs when someone dies?

"I am laughing because you thought you are a king." I wiped the almost-tears out of my eyes.

"Whatever kind of king I am, I know I am more king material than whatever your dry ass sense of humor self is." He literally sounded like he was rapping. By the speed and by the clarity he pronounced those words in one breath inspired me to try rapping.

I feel like I am getting way too influenced by him. I don't know if that's healthy or not.

After that, Jin Hyung sighed, like someone who just gulped down a laugh. Yes, that kind of laugh.

"Where is Jimin by the way?"

"Oh, he went out with Hoseok." Namjoon answered Jin Hyung and a thought that I didn't want to think made its way through the peak of my brain.

"I didn't know they were dating." That was me letting out the thought that seems legit in my head.

And Namjoon gave me a punch right on my right arm. "Boy, not like that. They just went out of the classroom."

"To do what?" I asked him because the thought still didn't go out of my brain.

After I asked that, my whole gang went quiet for a while.

"You know what. I never thought about it." Namjoon looked shook by the fact that he forgot to think about something.

For such a wannabe cool person, he's a huge nerd.

"Why don't we go and find out what they are up to?" Yoongi pointed out the door and a silence agreement took amongst all of us.

We went out as well to find what Jimin and Hoseok were doing.

I had my phone camera ready.

__________ . . . . . __________

We found them in the bathroom.

Unfortunately, Hoseok was in one of the stalls and Jimin was having a full-on romantic conversation with himself in the mirror.

That weird-ass was literally flirting with himself.

I wonder how Hoseok wasn't weirded out by Jimin wanting Jimin's phone number.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I snapped when the rest of the team were spying on them from a corner of the entrance to the bathroom.

Jimin flinched at my sudden snap and he looked like he was about to die when he saw us.

"I..um... what? Nothing." Then Jimin pretended like he was washing his hands.

Not to mention, he did the thing that he does with his hair right before.

Him washing his hands after he pulled back his hair means his hair had dandruff.

"Seriously what are you guys doing?" Jin Hyung asked and despite the fact that I asked that already, Jimin decided to completely ignore me.

At least I have clean hair.

"Jimin wanted to go over to Minji to tell her how he supported her passion for chess. And for some reason, he dragged me with him. And now I am puking." Hoseok said from somewhere in the stalls.

He sounded like he just puked a whole lot.

"I have so many questions unanswered." Yoongi said in a deep voice and his voice washed over me like a freezing winter gust, making me shiver for some reason.

"I just wanted Minji to see Hoseok. But then we found out that Minji has a boyfriend in the senior class." Jimin wiped his hands clean with paper towels.

"He cried over it." Hoseok's voice echoed from somewhere again.

"I did not." Jimin snapped.

"He did." Namjoon pointed out and we all agreed.

After that, Hoseok flashed down his stall and came out of the third one on the very right.

He walked like he just had five shots of beer.

"Why did you throw up?" Jin Hyung looked worried and I wasn't.

"Yeah, are you pregnant or something?"

When I said that, Hoseok looked at me with a murderous eye that made me rethink my life decisions.

Even being born in the first place was a bad decision.

"Yeah well don't blame me for being pregnant. Blame yourself."

To whatever the fuck Hoseok just said, the other guys laughed like maniacs. Hoseok and I were the only ones who were not laughing.

I wasn't because I couldn't process what he said.

And Hoseok was rinsing his mouth.

_________ . . . . . _________

We all ended up walking around the hallway.

I personally don't like moving so much, but Jimin and Jin grabbed me by both hands and dragged me along with them.

And fucking Namjoon yanked me over by pulling my hair.

For the first time, I realized how long his fingers were. My point is that he grabbed a handful of my hair and I am sure some will fall out by the time I went home.

I was the victim there.

The spot where Namjoon pulled my hair hurt like hell. I felt it was throbbing on the top of my head.

But I was happy about it.

Because we were going to the snack machine and Jimin was paying for all of us.

I planned to get all the good stuff out of there since I am not going to be paying.

I ended up getting one piece of peanut butter crackers. 

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