29- Cliffhanger

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Jimin likes to barge into my house during the weekends. Apparently, his life is way too boring for him to live. I don't see the reason behind his point. I mean if I had lots of money, a big ass room and no siblings whatsoever, I will be living a life of, I like to call it, perfection.

Obviously, Jimin's mindset is way far off of than mine but still, I think my reason is more...reasonable.

So back to the point, Jimin comes over to my house on Saturdays, because Sundays are way too depressing for both of us. But this time not only he brought Jungkook, but he also showed the way to my house to Namjoon and Jin Hyung.

And Yoongi was coming at ten, he had to go to piano practice first.

I see how it is. To him, the piano is more important than me.

So here I was. Sitting on the exact same spot from the very first time, faced by my guests.

"Nice house." Namjoon looked around, I was feeling nice and wanted to say ''thank you", but I changed my mind because Namjoon is a complete asshole.

"For a mediocre person."

"Can you never talk normally?" I asked him, way too fed up with his stupid crap.


"Can you two never stop arguing?" Jimin kind of copied me, but oh whatever, I am a nice person.

"Then half of my....our entertainment will be gone though." Jungkook chimed in. He seems more comfortable around us than the last time. That's good. Being comfortable is good.

As a response to Jungkook's comment, Jin Hyung folded his hands over his chest, again making his shoulders look broader. "We heard you. You like it when people fight? Come one, Jungkook, I thought you were better behaved than them." He stressed the word them and made a face.

We aren't that badly behaved, Hyung.

"Don't expect much from middle schoolers, ever." I said, despite me being hurt over the fact that Jin Hyung thinks we are bad kids.

Jungkook scoffed as a response, "I can do more things way better than you all can. So there."

Even though he's trying to act all big and buffy around us, I can tell- he still looks like a kid.

Like how Hoseok called Jungkook our maknae. I kind of liked that idea. It would be fun to rank ourselves by age.

Then Yoongi arrived and made me get off so he could sit down.

"I am so tired right now." He entered the room saying that, "Hey, move." then he stood in front of me, commanding me to move from my seat.

How dare he, I was here first. And most of all, this is my house.

But Yoongi is way too intimidating for me to fight him. So I let it slide.

After that, there was an awkward silence in the room. It was like we forgot our trails of thoughts and words, well at least I did. I was just staring mindlessly out the window before I remembered a piece of very valuable information.

"Oh, my mom's getting married again."

All of the guys gasped at that, including Yoongi. If I didn't know how to keep my cool, I'd probably be out by now, laughing my ass off.

"Joking, I finished writing my song."

All of them gasped even louder, especially Yoongi. I didn't know his voice could reach that high, but I guess I was wrong.

"You did not. Tell me you did not." Yoongi looked at me with surprised eyes. There are a lot of things about Yoongi that I was finding out today, for example, he could show emotions.

"Why are you all getting so surprised about it?"

''Because." Jimin started but didn't finish, I hate it when people do that.

It's like a real life cliffhanger, and I didn't like them.

__________ . . . . . __________

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