50- Love

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Jimin absolutely loved spending a full day at my house. He even started doing his homework at around 6 pm, which I found a little weird. Because not only I wouldn't invade someone else's house, but I wouldn't go near studying in their houses.

But Jimin didn't take the hint, considering the fact that I dropped quite a lot of hints. But he just went about doing his business. He's a perfect example of what oblivion looks like. So I had to finish drawing my diagrams for Bio on my bed, and trying to draw on the bed is a huge disaster. Artists out there would relate.

I was pretty pissed at him because my drawing rarely looks like crap. Rare as the chance of a ten-year-old climbing Mt. Everest. But when it does look like crap, it's just because I was stuck in shitty situations at that moment.

For example, like right now.

I might sound like I am boasting about my art, and yeah, I am. Because they are boast-worthy.

Anyhow, Jimin apparently likes to hum when he's concentrating which means that he doesn't pay attention in class. Which is unbelievable considering how fast he was solving those math equations.

I tried to talk to him but Jimin just shushed me up because "I was disrupting his time".

Oh really now?! What about the times when he disrupts my time? Now it doesn't count, does it, Jimin?

Sadly, I was cursing him out in my head. He's so...


And I had to finish my homework on the bed, which I absolutely despise doing. I knew my handwriting was that bad, but never before have I saw uncooked noodles on my Bio paper.

Or any paper on that matter.

And Jimin had the nerve to ask me whether I had Mulan or not. I was literally this close to beating the guts out of him.

"No, I don't! Play with a ball or something." OK, I kind of ended up snapping at him. Which, apparently, my mom didn't hear. But just for context, if she did, I am certain my death would be because of my own dear mother.

"Why are you yelling at me? Again?" It is really unimaginable how quickly Jimin can change his mood. Most of the times the moods being absolute happiness to bitter sorrow.

Long point short, he looked like he was about to cry, which doesn't happen at my house. So I had to pull up Netflix on TV and put Mulan on, so my dignity doesn't go down the sewer system.

"You lied. You do have Mulan!" By his tone, Jimin didn't sound much offended now. And that proves my point that he changes his mood in the blink of an eye.

Then Yohan's horrible Saxophone noise murdered my ears, lobes included.

"I am no instrument expert, but I know that ain't no instrument." Jimin covered his ears with the palms of hands and he looked like he was putting all the force into doing so.

"Ugh, mom!" I yelled her name but she didn't respond. "Mom!" Still no response.


I couldn't believe my voice just reached that high volume, which suppressed Yohan's unprofessional saxophone noises. And mom finally heard.

I'd love to have my voice do all the fancy high note stuff that singers do from time to time...yeah, I wouldn't really mind that.

"What do you want now?" I could barely make out my mom's words, but somehow my brain did that and I am surprised; because my ears took a vacation from working with my hearing system at that moment.

"Tell Yohan to stop! Jeez, I already have brain cancer, I don't want to die earlier than I have to!"

And to that, Jimin looked at me while puffing up his eyes, "You have brain cancer?"

That came out of my mouth way too quickly than I planned it to come.

"Maybe." Most of the times I mean yes when I say maybe.

Yohan's horrible playing finally stopped, followed by an 'Ow' coming from his room.

__________ . . . . . _________

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