28- Milk Carton

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"Bro, that is not what I asked." I overcame his weird answer to my curious question. I was getting annoyed at him for playing me with my own words. Even though I sometimes do that, it doesn't mean that he can go and do that to me.

I'm practically the inventor of that way of communication.

He can't take my own creation against me.

"Well, that's what it sounded to me. But if you ask like that, then no, no I don't smoke weed. I want to go to college before that." Namjoon told me his future plans about how he wants to keep his record clean.

I was just giving him one of those looks that told him that I couldn't care less about his future plans, all I needed was more tea.

Namjoon and Jin Hyung always share with each all the tea around the school. If I asked them who was the fiance of our teacher, they would probably be able to answer me.

But, despite my uninterest in the topic, Namjoon kept on blabbering on about how he wanted to be a writer, mostly a fictional writer on mystery and all that other stuff.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if he wrote hundreds of books on how to solve different mystery problems. He's practically a modern Sherlock Holmes.

He's cool. He has something special about him, unlike me.

"Yeah well maybe not. You probably do other drugs, because you look like one addict." I responded to him, completely aware of the word drug.

I hate that word.

"I am an addict? Boy, you look like your mom pooped you out." Namjoon offended me, offending my mom as well.

"Boy, you look like..." I couldn't think of anything else to roast him with, so I accepted defeat. "Yeah, I don't have anything."

"Psh thought so." Namjoon scoffed, and I got determined to look up how to properly roast someone once I get home.

I just needed a little motivation.

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Nowadays, Yoongi comes over to us during lunch. I don't know what got to him, but I still can't get over the fact of him coming all the way here.

The music room was on the lowest floor of the building and we were on the third. Even going there myself, was a pain in the ass for me. And not to mention, our room was on the west side, when his was to the east.

Maybe he doesn't stay in the same room all day.

I don't know how schools work and I am not curious enough to find out. Honestly, I just feel like graduating already, even though it's only the middle of the school year.

And when I say graduate, I mean like graduate twelfth grade and never come here.

I decided to drop out of life.

Anyway, Yoongi came over and spent lunchtime with us. Apparently he was going to go to this school of music somewhere in Seoul after he was done with High School.

The entrance exam of that school was what he was working on these past couples of days. Explains why he was always on his phone and why he was studying even during lunch.

What kind of entrance exam do they have to take in order to get into a music school?

Obviously not math, that's for sure.

Maybe I'll consider going to Yoongi's school as well, just because there won't be any math on the entrance exam.

I am a simple person, I like simple things.

"Can you teach me how to sing?" I kind of blurted out to Yoongi, who raised his eyebrow at me.

"Just because I know how to play the piano, does it mean I can sing? I suck at singing. The choir teacher gave up on me." Saying that Min Yoongi sipped his milk, not caring that his choir teacher gave up on him. "Ask Jimin or something."

Jimin was with us today. Seeing Yoongi come to our classroom shook him too, that's why he stayed with us. I would stay too if I was Jimin.

"I just know how to harmonize. I am no teacher. I am a horrible teacher. Jungkook says so." Jimin looked like he was about to cry, not literally, but he looked devastated by the fact that he was a terrible teacher.

"What are you all doing, huh? Aren't you pros in your fields or something? I can probably teach Bob Ross how to paint." I boasted about my artistic skills after both Yoongi and Jimin told me they can't teach.

"Have you ever thought about why they are saying they can't teach?" Namjoon asked me, annoyed at me boasting.

"Because they just can't."

"No, because they don't wanna be with you for hours and teach your dumbass about music."

"Hey, let's not be too mean to Taehyung." I forgot to mention, Jin Hyung was with us too, like he always is during lunch.

It felt almost full. Almost.

"He isn't being mean, he's just stating facts." Yoongi sipped his milk again, but this time, a whole lot louder. Like he was trying to act like one of those drama queens that always sip their tea or something.

He is looking fucking dumb.

"Oh be quiet." Jimin scolded Yoongi, "I am saying I can't teach because I just can't. I am not just born with that skill." He looked like he was about to cry, again.

I wonder how Jimin would look like if he cried.

I rarely see other guys cry. I want to know what it is like to see someone else other than myself crying in the mirror.

It would be interesting to look at.

"Yeah well, I can't reach high notes as you can. Fuck, I can't even do the low notes." Yoongi blew his empty milk carton, reminding me of childhood and worry-free times.

Was he just nice to Jimin?

Dang, everybody likes Jimin so much that even Yoongi was being nice to him.

Or they didn't want Jimin to flood the place.

I like the second option better, like always.

The second choice is always better. Well, most of the time.

"That's not true. You can probably do low notes. You aren't completely useless... I mean, you can do better than what you think you can do." Jin Hyung comforted Yoongi, but he didn't really need it, I could tell by his careless shrug.

"He learned that off the internet." Namjoon exposed Jin Hyung's kind and wise words. And I thought that was funny, so I choked on my sushi.

"I did not!" It was pretty obvious that Jin Hyung got it from the internet, but who am I to judge.

After I finished choking, I managed to finally say, "You all make me sick."

"Go get your pills then, sick boy. Ain't nobody gonna give a damn if you die." Yoongi opened his next milk carton, that dude is addicted to milk.

Now that's an addiction.

Also, he hurt my feelings by saying that.

"Well, I guess you won't gonna give a damn if I drink your milk?" I attempted to snatch the carton away from Yoongi, but just like I said already, I had no talent whatsoever.

"Bitch don't come near me." He protected his carton like his baby, and I didn't ever think that I would see that side of him.

"Can't we ever get along without getting into a fight?"Jimin finally spoke up after a while, followed by Jin Hyung's voice, "And cussing?"

"Apparently not. And literally no one in the whole world not cusses. You two need to man up." Namjoon said while scrolling through something on his phone.

"Are you calling us girls?" Jimin asked my desk partner, who realized what he said and just gave them a nervous smile.

He also earned a whack from Jin Hyung, which made me happy.

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