13- Chicken

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Somehow I was at KFC at that moment. Jimin apparently was having breathing troubles staying inside for too long and I don't even want to know how that adds up, so I had to go out with him when I didn't want to.

It's good that at least mom got home, or my ass would kill itself stressing about Yohan. That dumbass always is playing some stupid video games whenever he is home. So he would be completely clueless if any creepy guy robbed the whole house, or even...

"Are you going to order anything?" I heard Jimin ask me. We were sitting in one of those tables that KFC has. The whole store is packed, even at this late afternoon.

I checked the time on my phone, it read 6:37 pm.

"I prefer my mom's hand made dinner, so no thanks." And it was true, I would rather have a meal with my little family than eat at KFC.

"LOL, you're so simple." Hearing LOL while having a real conversation was the first time for me, so I noted that to myself.

"What's so simple about wanting to have dinner over at one's own house?" I asked because why not? I always ask questions to get the conversation going.

"When you say it like that... I swear to God, Taehyung! You are such a mood killer!" Jimin shook his head in disbelief, as if he is really disappointed in me.

I didn't like it...

Didn't like what?

"If I kill your mood by saying what's true, then my bad, I won't say anything." I took out my phone, doing what most people do nowadays.

"Put that thing down. I swear to God, teenagers these days!" Jimin rolled his eyes again. He does it so much that if he doesn't do that, then he's not Jimin.

"You are a..." I wanted to to say 'You are a teenager too'  but Jimin hushed me.

"Hush, I don't wanna hear it."

I swear he was acting like one of those crappy couples that won't listen to fucking real life reasoning.

But then Jimin's order got called and he did what most people do when they receive their food.

He started eating his chicken leg.

"For such a wannabe healthy person, you sure eat unhealthy!" It was fun making fun of Jimin. I liked teasing him and the reactions that he gave me.

"Taehyung, if you don't stop making fun of me... want some?" Jimin offered some of his food. The fried chicken smelled good, so I took one, because it's KFC.

We were quietly eating and sharing a moment together, until he brought up Hoseok again. I was being honest with myself, telling myself that I'd hate it if Hoseok came back from England.

Mostly because I didn't want to face him.

"You know how Hoseok's coming back? I can't wait until he does! I'm so excited to see him after a whole year!" Jimin sounded pretty excited about Hoseok's return to Korea, and clearly, I wasn't.

"Oh, when is he coming back exactly?" 'So I can prepare myself in the meantime'.

"Oh, this weekend. Did I forget to tell you that?" Jimin asked as if I'm his best buddy, wanting to hear about his day.

I wish.

"Well, apparently yeah." I would remember if he told me. Did I mention I have a good memory?

"Well then, I probably also didn't tell you about the party that the Jungs are having. So yeah, the Jungs are having a party." Jimin mentioned as if I would want to go to Jung Hoseok's party.

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