35- Yeet

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When I say I am completely clueless about what is going around school or what school even is, I mean it. My ass just missed a half-day that other day and now today we have a field day, and I don't even know what a field day is.

I was mad at Namjoon for not letting me know this. He and Jin Hyung is always sharing some new information every single day and not once they talked about today's field day.

I' ma bit their asses when I am done with today.

After looking dumb for doing some useless stretching on the ground outside, each one of us was assigned a task to do.

And I got the task to sweep our hallway.

And wipe our desks.

And dust the board.

I didn't even get anyone to help me out with. The teacher just went down the roll call and assigned us what was on the list for the field day.

Now I have to carry around a broom with me for half of the day.

Jimin got lawn duty with a bunch of other kids. And Namjoon had to clean the boys' bathroom and lunchroom.

Honestly, now I am glad that I didn't get what Namjoon got.

Though the only thing that I wasn't happy about was Hoseok getting hallway wiping duty. So we were going to be stuck with each other for an hour before our tasks get switched.

I was peacefully calculating how to minimize every single task around here and go home early, but then Hoseok came out of our classroom and yelled across the hallway, "Can you hurry the fuck up? I have to wipe this hallway."

I was close to one end of the hallway and our classroom was in the middle.

That bull crap dude is lucky that no adult was around here to hear him cuss me out, or I was about to tell on him.

"Can you shut the fuck up? I am trying to sweep this hallway." Honestly, if I wasn't so far away from Hoseok, I wouldn't be able to say that. But since I was, I gave him back his share of the cursing.

"Yeah well tell your slow-ass buttcheeks to hurry this shit up. I am not trying to work all day. I have asthma. If I die, it's on you." Saying that Hoseok went back inside the classroom and I kept on sweeping the hallway- not giving a fuck about his false illness.

I decided to sweep slower.

I took my time and by the time I was done sweeping the outside of the hallway, thirty minutes passed.

And when I went inside the classroom to start doing the other chores, I saw Hoseok fucking my dignity up.

He filled the whole board with chalk marks and the once black - blackboard was now white.

"The fuck you doing?" I snapped the chalk out of Hoseok's hand while he was giving finishing touches to his masterpiece.

"You didn't think you are the only one who can play, right?" Hoseok grabbed a brand new chalk from the side of the board and started leaving harder chalk marks.

"Hey, stop." I took the chalk away from him again. "I didn't make your job hard for you. Get out there and do what you're supposed to do."

As I was grabbing the duster for the board, feeling bad for it, Hoseok went out and added a little comment. "Also I put chalk dust everywhere on the desks. Might wanna clean it up."

That asshole is doing too much.

So I erased the board as quickly as I could and when I was done, I looked down at the almost white duster and smirked to myself.

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