16- Amazon

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The rest of the time walking home consisted of Jimin and I calling each other names. Some of the names were really insulting, while others were so stupid that we couldn't get our head around them.

When we finally got to my house, Jimin immediately dropped on the couch and insisted that we 'get into business'. For a good second or so, I couldn't help but not understand what business he was talking about. So I asked what business he was talking about.

"You're so forgetful. Didn't you yourself say you are going to annoy Namjoon?" Jimin sounded legit like he was trying to say 'Taehyung, you're getting old, you forget everything'.

I couldn't help but stare at him for a bit. I didn't know why my lips carved up into that small smile, the thing that Jimin said wasn't even funny. It was probably my false interpretation of what he said made me smile.

"Yeah I did but not now. I'm tired. I'll go cool off a little bit." I went up to my room, knowing full well that Jimin will obnoxiously follow me a little while later.

"Well early starts won't hurt you. And texting someone won't drain your energy away." Jimin stepped into my room, watching me put my backpack away. It's an interesting thing to watch someone put their backpacks away.

"You're just excited to get on someone else's nerves again." I said to him, heading toward the kitchen to get my popsicle.

"You have no idea how rude that is and how much you offended me." Jimin was following me at that point, he even got a popsicle from the freezer.

I knew no matter how much I offend Jimin, he just won't go away. Everytime, he comes back. If I was him, I would slap the person playing me and never go to them again.

I knew he tolerated me for a reason, but I just couldn't get my hands on it.

I just shrugged as a response to his comment and made my way to the living room. As I was about to take the remote to the TV, Jimin slapped my hand- dropping the remote on the floor.

"Text. Now."

Why is he so eager to do so? I wouldn't even include him if he didn't just drop out of nowhere and wanted to come over.

So I asked, "Why are you so eager? You do realize that you wouldn't be here, right?"

"Well too bad, so sad, I'm here now. And we are annoying Namjoon together. I'll just see how you lie and get away today. Your mom isn't here to yell at you."

"W-what?" Shit, he knew.

"Everytime I try to go back to the time we were best friends, you get more distant. And I'm annoying? I get on your nerves? Not more than how much you irritate me with your rude comments! Is it my fault that people absolutely hate you and I'm just trying to make you feel less like crap?"

I couldn't believe Jimin said all of that. To me. At my house.

All this time, he acted nice because he felt bad for me. He was pitying me.

How dare he.

"I didn't ask for your friendship. I don't want to go back. I hope you understand how much you frustrate me, now that you said I irritate you even more. I would really appreciate it if you left."

I tried to keep my voice calm, excluding the fact that I was raging inside.

I picked up the remote from the floor and continued to surf through the TV to see what was on. Thankfully, the Discovery channel was on- showing the types of animals in the Amazon Forest and I liked it.

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