25- Matter

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After Yoongi was done boasting about me being a dumbass, he led me inside the music room. There were an extra room inside the music room, which I suppose would be considered a closet in a normal classroom.

A janitor's one.

But a big janitor's closet.

Filled with all kinds of instruments, that half of which I didn't even know existed.

I was gawking at all the violins, celos, flutes and drums when Yoongi yanked me to a corner of the instrument room. He pointed at a golden colored instrument that looked like a long smoking pipe to me.

The long smoking pipe had buttons on the handle and had a huge hole in the part where the smoke would normally come out.

I know I'm planting a disgrace on the music industry but I am a visual person.

"Here take this." Yoongi got tired of pointing while I was observing, so he picked the instrument up and handed it over to me.

It was kinda heavy for its size.

"What do you want me to do with it?" I asked, kind of disappointed that only did I not get my surprise, now I have to carry this gigantic smoking pipe around with me.

"It's broken. Throw it away."

And here I thought he was being nice to me for once. But no, somehow I turned into his own personal trash can.

All my effort of telling him my sad past went down the drain along with Namjoon's name.

"There's nothing broken about this." I inspected the instrument like I knew anything about music and all that other rainbow stuff.

Fuck it, don't even know what this thing is called.

"O really? Why don't you take it to your house and learn to play it then?" Yoongi voice gave more of that vibe that said 'Are you questioning my music expertise?".

"Whatever, why are you telling me to throw this away when you can do it yourself?" I was getting irritated at how people treated me like crap.

"Because your house is big enough for this." Saying that Yoongi went out of the music room, leaving me alone in a place where everything was new to me.

I felt alone again.

__________ . . . . . _________

My brother told me that the thing I brought home was a Saxophone and that I was lucky to get an instrument for free. Normally these things cost hundreds of Yen for some reason.

"Just get it repaired and you will be good to go, bro." Yohan sounded like I brought home a broken Saxophone so I could play it.

Poor him, he doesn't know that his older brother is being used as a garbage truck for some people.

"You sound like I know how to play this thing." I said to him because I wanted him to pick up the small clues and guess what's going on in my life.

"Why would you bring it home then?" Yohan said with his mouth filled with food.

We were having dinner. Mom had to go over to her night shift again, so she was getting ready to leave. Yohan and I were eating our dinner peacefully, talking about the new member of the family.

"I don't know, I found it in the music room. And felt bad about it. So I took it in as my child." I didn't lie, I think.

"Bro, you lying."

"Yeah like mom did about you being not adopted." I took another piece of dumpling up on my plate.

"Shut the fuck up."

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