34- Tea and Coffee

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How do I explain how my day was? It was like a mix of everything. I had to pretend like I was tired or sleepy the whole day to slip through.

What did I slip through?

The answer is already known.

We are going to have to do this group project for Bio and we at least needed three people per group.

Yes, I did get a group.

But not with Hoseok.

I got a group with Minha and Monju.

I was just complaining about how I didn't have the energy or will to do any group project at that moment. And the twins looked at me like I wasn't the only person who hates group projects.

Now I can list thirteen reasons why group projects suck but that would get a little too...off-topic.

And way too obvious for people that relate.

So let's spill the tea.

One of the girls from my school also went to the same middle school as me. But when we were there, there was a rumor going around school that she had an interest up on Hoseok or something. I found the whole thing funny and I still do.

Because that girl came over to our classroom today.

I recognized her because I have a good memory.

"Bro, see that girl?" I poked Namjoon during the break between second and third hour when I saw Minji coming this way.

"Minji? Yeh, she's the president of the chess club. I didn't even know such a thing like that existed." Namjoon scratched his head with the butt of his pencil, which I didn't want to further imagine.

"I didn't know you weren't in chess club but that doesn't matter. In middle school, she had a crush on Hoseok." When I said that, Namjoon looked at up from doing his math.

In break time.

"Bro, on the outside you two look like sworn blood enemies and now you're talking about the love life of Hoseok. I really don't get you sometimes."

Well, I didn't really think about it that way.

"I just like to spill tea, that's all." That was all I could think of as a response to Namjoon's comment.

"Mhm." And Namjoon's answer was so, which signaled that I need to shut up before Namjoon breaks the whole building down for distracting him.

Usually, Jimin would come over to my desk during break times. But today, he's just sitting there, doing something.

Now I am an experienced observer. And I know Jimin was playing both sides of this game.

And I know that for a fact.

I kind of eyed Hoseok after I stared at Jimin's back for solid thirty seconds. What Namjoon said about Hoseok and I being blood enemies might be true, but I was once the new kid too.

I know how it feels to be in a whole new place where everybody found their pieces of the puzzle already.

He was on his phone. Nowadays, people think being on the phone while being isolated from the rest of the world is making them look less lonely- which might be true in some cases, but I didn't want anyone to go through what I went through.

Maybe it's a different feeling for them. Maybe they don't even want to be friendly. Maybe they like being alone.

If that's the case, then there's no harm in trying. But if it this is not the case, what happens when you don't try?

So I sent a quick text to Jimin, telling him to go over to Hoseok and talk to him.

And he thought I was crazy.

But I wasn't.

Somehow I convinced Jimin into talking to Hoseok. Mostly because I said I will give him some bucks.

Money always works.

I watched Jimin as he quietly went up to Hoseok and started invading his private space.

It felt good seeing them both together though, it's like the images of elementary school when everything was still in place, were repeating themselves in front of my eyes.

It also felt good knowing that my heart isn't shattered and scattered around anymore. I picked up one piece today, and I will eventually build up my heart back up again.

Like the beads of a broken necklace that's going to be fixed.

__________ . . . . . __________

Apparently, Jungkook goes to the same school as Yohan and even though Yohan is his senior, nowadays, he likes to invade.

I am talking about Jungkook.

He comes over with Yohan after school so they can binge play some video games. As much as I was annoyed, I also felt sarcasm running through my spine.

I wanted to go up to their faces and tell them, once they get to real drama, they won't have any time to screw around. All they will do is lie on the bed and think about how to get away from this mess.

Heh. Idiots.

But everytime I look at Jungkook, I get reminded of Jeon Jaebeom. I don't know how I missed it, but Jungkook does have some of the same features as Jaebeom.

I forgot that the passengers of the car that hit me also got hurt. It wasn't only me. I was so mad and angry at Jaebeom that I even hated thinking about him at that moment. Now that I can see a little clearer now, I understand I should've visited him one last time. I should've let him know that he was forgiven by yet another person.

It's really sad how Jungkook grew up in such an environment. I wanted to cherish him like my own little brother.

Also I would like to trade in Yohan. That asshole is a complete... asshole.

"Ew, stop looking at him like you're about to eat him. Like that kind of eat." I didn't realize I was staring the Jungkook while I was 'keeping an eye on them'. Jungkook looked disturbed too by Yohan's comment and I promised Jaebeom that I will spank the fuck out of Yohan tonight for Jungkook.

I decided to show Yohan who he's talking to. "Yeah, like what do you do in your room with him everyday, huh?"

OK, it was really intense for some seventh and eighth grader but who gives a fuck.

"The only thing that I do in my room is sleep." Yohan continued to play his game, while Jungkook looked like he wanted to die.

"What you do you before sleeping?" I asked him, because it was about that time.

"Well, duh, what every dude does." Yohan was way too... mature contented for being a thirteen year old.

"I am sure Jungkook doesn't do that." I said, because it was getting pretty fun.

I mean how many people get the opportunity to crack lame and dirty jokes with their siblings?

Even my mom joined in.

"Stop attacking him, you horny children."

I felt like the times when I was always made fun of by Jimin's parents. Only this time Jungkook played the role of me.

I have to admit, making a seventh grader cry in front of everyone is pretty fun.

It wasn't PG 13.

Jungkook started crying because he couldn't handle all the dirt getting thrown at him. It was a fucking hustle to make him stop screaming like crazy. I had to give him a popsicle, five bucks and one of my Pokemon Gem MT cards for him to shut up.

He fucking took the cards that I bought with my own money. I barely even do that. 

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