21- Hope

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Unfortunately, Yoongi didn't appreciate that we were following him around during lunch even after he told us to fuck off. Actually, Jin Hyung and I were ready to leave but Jimin tugged us along and thus, we earned ourselves Yoongi's yelling. From the looks of it, he looked pretty busy. I mean who would study during lunch break, even Namjoon doesn't do that!

I saw him riding his bicycle after school; for all Jimin told me; Yoongi stays after school in the music room. He didn't today.

Dang, he must be really busy to skip his music lesson today.

On my way home, Jimin was texting me about how worried he was about Yoongi acting weird today. I don't see what's there to be worried about though, Yoongi could be studying for a big test or something.

I was just so worried about how fast Saturday is approaching. And Jimin will take me to Hoseok's party; even if I called in sick.

Lord, why do I have a friend like him?

__________ . . . . . __________

So not only Saturday approached fast, it approached hella fast. I was so busy with school work that I didn't have any time to do any shit. I didn't even go to the art room these past three days. I never even skipped a session of painting all these years, but now I just skipped three days!

Long story short, high school hit me hard. And skipping two years of school didn't help me.

On Saturday, which was yesterday, Jimin and Jungkook broke into my house in the morning and woke me up, telling me that the Jungs were here in Korea. I don't know what they were so excited about. Maybe the party of 'close people' that they got to go.

I got to go as well. But I wasn't invited like they were. Jimin dragged me to the party.

Hoseok probably didn't even want to see my face.

And now here I was, standing outside of Hoseok's door right in front of the very person who's looking into me like he's about to tear me apart, physically.

"Why are you here?" Hearing Hoseok's voice after a very long time made me very uncomfortable. I mean, yes, I heard Jimin's voice after a very long time as well, but it didn't make me uncomfortable.

It was the harshness of Hoseok's voice towards me that pierced me. "He's here because I brought him." Jimin answered for me because I was in no condition to answer Hoseok's legit question, mostly because I didn't have any.

"Now if you'd excuse us." Jimin grabbed me and pulled me inside the house, completely ignoring Hoseok's "This is supposed to be a get together with the people I like" comment.

Well, I'm sorry that you don't like me. That's your problem, Hoseok.

Unfortunately, it was my problem too.

Even though both Jimin and Hoseok both had rich parents, Hoseok's house was pretty normal looking compared to Jimin's.

The living room didn't have a chandelier or a bigass wall TV. The couches were fairly ordinary; gray. For decoration, all there was was a big flower pot with artificial flowers in it. And there was a globe sitting on the coffee table.

On the couch were sitting all of the guys I hang out with. They were helping themselves to the snacks provided, except for Yoongi. He was on his phone, sitting cross-legged. He was giving off the 'I don't want to be here'  vibe.

I noticed all of these when Jimin was still dragging me and finally, he sat down, making me sit right next to him. Shortly after, Hoseok appeared with soda cans, still giving me a look.

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