Chapter 1

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Well Guys, we made it- its senior yeart at last! Roman said putting his things in his locker.  "WOOHOO!" Dean yelled over the noise in the hallway- "one day closer to not having to go to school anymore!!!!"   

Seth just shook his head as he opened the locker he and Dean shared and put his things inside. "need anything before i close it?" he asked Dean. "nah. im good Dean said.  the three friends compared their class schedules--

"UGH!!" Seth said with a groan,  "I have Mr. Regal for english first hour.. he's crazy strict!"   "a little birdie told me that Becky has him that hour too."  Dean said as he elbowed his friend and gave him a knowing look.

Seth blushed a little and glared at his friend. "you are a pain in the butt!" he said as Roman laughed.  "hey, could be worse" he said glancing at his schedule-- "you could have Mr. Heyman's economics class-- i hear all he does is yak, yak , yak and doesn't give you anytime to work"    "been there , done that" Seth said  "i'll pass"    "no thinaks, im good" Dean chimed in.

"I'll trade either one of you" he said glancing at his own schedule,  "i got stuck with Ms. Moolahs heath class... and she's not even hot.. she's older than dirt!"    Seth and Roman shuddered and chuckled as the bell rang. the  three friends parted ways and headed to their classes.

Seth hurried to Mr. Regal's class as he was a stickler for punctuality- not allowing students in after the bell rang unless they had a valid reason. Seth took a seat near the back,  to his left sat a blonde girl named  Nikki... she had quite reputation around school  so Seth  tried to avoid her at all costs.. and to his right  sat Becky.

Becky was an Irish exchange student and she and Seth ahad hit it off and become good friends, he knew however that she would go back to Ireland after graduation, so he had learned to ignore the funny feeling he got whenever he saw her.

The bell rang and as they suffered through Mr Regal's intro to his class and his classroom rules, they passed notes back and forth and still kept their attention focused on his class.

At lunchtime Seth invited Becky to sit with him and his friends,  she thanked him and told him she was having lunch with bayley,  charlotte and sasha. "ok, no worries.." he said guess i will see you in homeroom tomorrow morning.." he said. "see you there!" she called over her shoulder 

as Seth and his buddies ate lunch, he couldn't stop looking at Becky- which earned him a lot of teasing from Dean and Roman.

FInally merfully their first day of school came to a close,  and the three friends piled into Seth's car and headed to the gym nearby to workout.  after their workout, he dropped his friends off at thier houses and then headed home to shower and work on his homework...

Around 10pm he called it a night and headed to bed since it was a school night.  ***RING**  ***RING***   "who is calling me this late?" Seth thought as he got quickly got ready for bed, and answered the phone as he got into bed and shut the light off.

"Hello?" he said. "can i talk to Seth? i have a school question"  he smiled as he heard the familiar irish accent... it was Becky.  "this is seth" he said quietly, he didn't want his mom to know he was on the phone.

"hey lad.... do we really have to take ol man andersons P.E. class to graduate?" she asked him "i  LOATHE  P.E." she said with a giggle, and he seems like such a drag.   "P.E. class?" he said getting out of bed and grabbing his schedule.... "oh.. you must mean gym class" he said "thats what we call it here."   Becky laughed and said "sorry lad old habits are hard to break."

he chuckled and told her "unfortunately , his class is a required class we need to take to graduate.. but, ambrose and I will be in the class too- we will help each other get through it..." he assured her.   they talked for a little bit longer then hung up for the night. but Seth's mind wouldn't let him fall asleep.

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