Chapter 21

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"Our lives will never be the same again" Seth said as he and Becky headed home with their newborn daughter.  Becky smiled. "im ok with that". she giggled.  as Seth turned down their street.. he felt himself get a little nervous.  

he turned into the driveway and pulled the car into the garage. he had Becky wait in the car while he took their bags, and the flowers and gifts that they had gotten in the hospital in the house.

Becky smiled when she saw him coming and got out of the car.  she opened the back passenger door and Seth grabbed the diaper bag while Becky grabbed the infant carrier with their sleeping daughter in it.

they walked into the house and Becky felt herself relax, "Welcome to your new home Kayleigh Elizabeth Rollins" Becky said   they snuck a quick kiss and then sat down on the couch, the infant carrier by their feet.   they talked quietly until she began to stir and fuss in in her carrier. 

Seth reached down and undid the 5 point harness and carefully picked her up and cradled her in his arms for a couple minutes while Becky got herself situated to feed her.   Seth handed Becky Kayleigh and then went upstairs to grab a quick shower.

Seth smiled when he  came back downstairs,  Becky was switching sides with Kayleigh and mommy and daughter were looking at each other.  he went in the kitchen to grab something to drink for him and Becky and see what they had that he could make for dinner later.

he was jarred back to reality by his phone ringing in his pocket. he glanced at the number  it was his mom...  they chatted for a little while, and  she asked if It was a good time to come and meet their granddaughter.  "maybe tomorrow or the next day mom, we just got home and we are trying to get settled and hopefully settle into a routine with Kayleigh."   "oh.. ok" she said sounding disappointed.  

"i'll talk to Becky at dinner and we can come up with a time." he said.  "Ill text you later."  bye mom.. love you."

Seth walked back into the living room and chuckled, Becky was trying to burp Kayleigh and  put herself back together at the same time. Seth set their drinks down and took Kayleigh to burp her while Becky  got herself together.  "thanks dad" she smiled.  while Becky answered some texts  Seth held Kayleigh and rocked her and just stared at her.  she was just looking at him making faces, when he wrinkled his nose.. "uh-oh  someone needs new pants" he said in a silly voice.  "its not me lad" Becky laughed and sat up so she  could take her in to change her. "well its not me" Seth chuckled.  "I'll change her" he told Becky. "you just relax and get your strength back."

A couple minutes later he came back and said "there we go little miss, you are clean and dry"  Becky was asleep on the couch.  Seth sat down carefully next to her and held Kayleigh until she fell asleep. he carefully laid her in her infant carrier and strapped her in. then he fell asleep himself.

he awoke a couple hours later and Becky was feeding Kayleigh, so he went in the kitchen to make dinner.   while dinner was cooking he went to see if Becky needed help. she smiled and said "take her for a sec so I can fix my shirt"  he gladly held baby Kayleigh.   Becky fixed her shirt and went and put Kayleigh in her bassinette and turned on the baby monitor.

"dinner smells amazing"  Becky said. "I hope it tastes good"  Seth said.  Becky grabbed plates from the cupboard and went to set the table. "I can do that" Seth playfully scolded her  " Sweetheart, I didn't have surgery,  I had a baby..... im not a bloody invalid"

"but you put your body through so much for 9 months, and then the pain of actually having her..." he said.   "actually I think watching one of corbin or bliss's promos is FAR more painful than labor" she giggled.  "i've hurt more after chair shots"

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