Chapter 3

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 "What a lousy weekend!" Seth groused to his friends as they stood and talked by their lockers.. "I can't believe how jealous she got over my frienship with Becky" then  she called me back last night and was acting super possesive of me, saying i need to call her every day after school, and in the morning before my first class, and then at lunch.."

"whoa!" roman and Dean said at the same time.. she is totally nuts!   "she pretty much ordered me to take her to senior prom too, but i had to tell i am broke as a joke."  that didn't go over real well... he said. "she accused me of spending my money on Becky..  "i have about had it with her."  

"time to go find out who our gym partners are" Dean said as the bell rang...  "goody........."  Seth thought.   When they walked into the pool area everyone was crowding around the bulliten board.  "Ambrose!" Miz called out with a chuckle.. looks like you got paired with paige!  

"oh lovely" Dean said to Seth "i get the one who has yet to show up for a single gym class."  "who'd you get?" he added as Seth stepped up to the bulliten board and scanned the sheet for his name....  he  felt himself smile a little when he saw that he had been partnered with Becky.

"oooo... you got the irish firecracker!" Dean said teasing his friend.... "Cass the ass will LOOOVE that!" Seth elbowed his annoying friend to shut him up.   as Mr Anderson walked into start the class.  after attendence was taken.  two lifeguards from the local YMCA  demonstrated what they would have to do  for their final test..  "oh lord" Seth thought "im gonna have to put my arm around her??!?"

after everyone worked on their swimming strokes,  they were allowed to pair off  with their partners and talk to them about their final test... " Becky was blushing horribly when  she came over by Seth. "oo lad, this is going to be an awkward test"  she said "my friends won't stop  teasing me about you being my partner" 

"i know the feeling he said"  "why is deano by himself?" she said  cause he got paired up with paige, and once again she has skipped class. "hoo boy lad's gonna get himself an F if they don't find someone else for him." she said.

after class they went their seperate ways and Seth still felt like he had a lot on his mind.  the rest of the day dragged on forever, and then  he and dean and roman went to the gym to work out.

The three friends had a good workout, and stopped for a quick bit on the way home. Seth dropped off Dean first. then headed to drop roman off.

"honestly" i can't wait for this whole damn school year to be over!"  "except that when it is im gonna lose a really good friend." look seth Roman said "things will all work out when they are supposed to work out."  you just need to relax, and have faith.  Seth nodded as he pulled up in front of Roman's house and  watched his friend grab his bag and head up the walk.."  see you in the morning" he said  Seth gave a little wave and headed home.

Seth went upstairs without a word to his mom.. he just wanted to crawl into his bed and stay there forever. but, knowing he couldn't do that  he cranked up some hard rock music and zoned out on his playstation 2 till dinnertime.

After dinner he spent around 2 hours working  on his homework, then headed to wrestling training, then came home and zoned out to music until bedtime.. his phone rang as he was turning off his music and getting ready for bed.  he was a little suprised by the number... it was Becky!

"hey you got time to talk to me lad?" she said when he answered.. sensing she was upset,  he said "sure" is everything ok?  he asked her. "I got a letter in the post today from Collin... you know my boyfriend back home.." she said.  "he told me school is going well but, he hates having to conform to the rules and wear a uniform.. " she laughed.  Seth chuckled too.

"then he told me we were through, that he couldn't handle me being so far away.."  she said her voice cracking with emotion.  I even told him  iwas coming home for Christmas, and we could talk then and he wants no part of  that."

"oh Becky..."  I am so sorry,  i don't know why some men feel the need to be jerks.  he told her.  "don't worry, there are plenty of other guys out there that would love for you  to be their girlfriend."

"i'm neva datin again boy o" she told him  "men are all pigs and can kiss me arse!  they talked for over an hour and by the end of it he had her laugh ing and she said she would at least think about giving dating another try at some point. they said goodnight, and  seth was suprised to see that his clock read 11:45 pm. they had actually been on the phone talking for over 3 hours.

thankfully seth fell asleep quickly or it would have made for a rough day at school.  

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