Chapter 48

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Seth headed to his locker room to shower- he found a note taped to the door that said  "congratulations champ- luchadora amora siempre."  seth showered and as he was leaving his locker room he heard a huge amount of commotion going on near catering so he hurried that way with his bags..  it was chaos as Sonya  and Nia had a hold of Mandy who appeared to have totally lost her marbles, and Charlotte, Nikki an Lexie had a hold of  luchadora siempre who was surprisingly calm.

Andrade told Seth that Mandy jumped  the luchadora from behind while she was looking at something on her phone that made her tear up... her phone flew out of her hands and Stephanie somehow caught it.  she hollered for help and everyone came running.  "I don't know how luchadora siempre is staying so calm.  Charlotte and Nikki let her go, and watched on as she walked over to Seth and kissed him! Nikki, charlotte and lexie all gasped- seth eyes darkened and got really wide as he pushed her away.  he looked at Andrade and said "tell her she cant be doing that because I am a married man."

Andrade looked at her and said sternly "por favor no hagas eso seth es un hombre Casado-- comprende?"  she nodded at  him and looked at the floor .  she said something to Andrade quietly and he told seth "she said she is very sorry"  she walked quietly back over to her bags and stood and watched Seth as he talked to charlotte and Andrade. at that moment Mandy attacked her again and siempre unloaded on her just pummeling her with lefts and rights all over her body.  Zelina was walking by and said something to the man she was with, he took her bags and she pulled siempre off Mandy and nia helped her up. Mandy started to spout off and Zelina looked at her  and said sharply "estaras en silencio!!"   

"let this serve as a reminder" Zelina said looking around at all  the ladies.  "DON'T try to mess with a married man!" they were puzzled to say the least, Zelina walked over and untied siempre's mask  Andrade  said "no Selina that is disrespectful to lucha libre wrestlers... they never show their face"

"very true" she said smiling  "but this isn't a real luchadora"  she added "she is definitely  an asskicker though" Siempre looked at the floor  and removed her mask-  and revealed a dark hairnet underneath that looked to be keeping ALOT of hair in place. Seth stood there with most of the locker room in total shock.  "its ok" Zelina  told her "we are mostly your friends"   Seth spotted some dark hair sticking out under the hairnet.  Siempre nodded and removed the hairnet and  long dark hair tumbled past her shoulders, she paused before reaching up and with Zelina's help removed a ton of bobby pins.  she reached up when the last one was out and let the dark hair slowly slide off her head and fall behind her on the floor revealing  a long red braid!

Everyone was silent as Seth stood there with his jaw on the floor.   as did Charlotte and Andrade.  "Becky?" he said softly  she looked up at him and their eyes locked on each other.   "you were my mystery partner tonight?"  "partly" she admitted the luchadora that got the crowd going with her acrobatic entrance was Zelina..  I'll explain later" she told him as she stepped closer to him. and said to quote the ring announcer  "from Dublin Ireland... your  forever love."   Seth chuckled softly "is that really what  he really said?"   "yep" Andrade said.   "I should have paid better attention in santana's Spanish class  my freshman year" Seth laughed. 

"how can you believe his lies?" mandy screeched  "he loves me and wants to be  with me" she yelled. "he told me he wants to marry me and have babies  with me. 'I GOT THIS'  Nia said smiling at Becky and punching mandy.  "Seth isn't lying to me"  becky said calmly "YOU ARE"   "Seth told me something years ago that proved that he would always love me. " "what BS lie did he tell you?" mandy said.  Becky looked at Mandy and then glanced at Seth and said " today I give you my heart to keep, and I  promise to love you forevermore."  "with my body, I thee honor and everything I have I share with you." becky said softly.   "and I meant every single word of it." Seth said quietly with tears in his eyes.

Stephanie made her way through the superstars- "here's your phone" she said..  "BECKY?!?"  she said smiling and giving her a hug.  "you looked awesome out there tonight" Becky blushed   she looked at Mandy who was sulking and said.. "you aint woman enough to take my man!"   then she looked at the rest of the ladies and said "and if any of the rest of you think you can and are feelin froggy, jump... and I will gladly collect on those receipts too." she said chuckling.

"he's all yours!" the ladies all said laughing  Becky looked at seth and said softly "lets go back to the hotel and talk"  he kissed her cheek and nodded.  "do you need us to stick around for all the mandy stuff?" Seth asked Stephanie  she shook her head "no,  everyone is free to leave... except for mandy,  we need to have a LONG talk.

Seth and Becky grabbed their bags and headed quietly out to Seth's rental car and made their way back to the nearby hotel.  Once they got to Seth's hotel room, he said quietly " I suppose you can sleep in my room tonight" he chuckled with a smile and a wink.

Seth unlocked the door and put their bags inside by the dresser and then gently picked up Becky and carried her into the room and laid her on the bed while he locked the door.

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