Chapter 52

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Married?!? Richie said...  "yer still a kid sis!"  Becky laughed and was about to respond when her mom said sharply "shut yer gob Richie, and finish yer brekkie lad!"  "yes mum" he said sheepishly.  after breakfast Becky helped her mom with the dishes while Seth went outside to help her dad and brother with something in the yard/garden.

"once the boy-o"s get done helping pop,  they all need to get cleaned up cause yer pop is gonna go get yer nan so she can visit with you and yer lad while you are here."  they were outside for around an hour or so, and when they came in Becky's dad ran upstairs to have a quick shower. Seth and Richie stood in the kitchen drinking water, and Richie was still giving him the evil eye.

once her dad came downstairs, Richie went up and showered and took his sweet time, Becky's dad shook his head and put his shoes on  "Richie... lets go lad, other people need to be getting clean too, tis not yer personal loo lad!!"

her dad left, and her mom hollered upstairs "best get yer arse out  of there lad or i'll let yer nan have a word with ya!" Becky and Seth chuckled as they heard the water shut off quickly. after what seemed like forever, Richie came downstairs and said "ok ya slimy scruffy scallywag, tis yer turn."  Becky glared at her brother and followed Seth upstairs so she could change her shirt.

"yep its official," seth said grabbing his toiletries bag "he hates me, and why? because I love  you?"  "he's a wee bit stubborn Becky giggled. "we can talk to him later"  "now go get clean lad.... before we end up getting dirty" she said giving him a wink. "you little troublemaker" he chuckled stealing a quick kiss before she headed downstairs.

When seth came downstairs, Richie cornered him and said "im not believin what Becca said at brekkie, she is far too young ta be married, and she could definitely do better than you."leave me sis alone you scruffy scallywag!"  "you don't really know me.. he said but yet you hate me" Seth said.   "you are trying to take advantage of my Becca, all you care bout is trying to shag her.. you don't really love her lad"  "Rich.." Seth said "Becky is my wife and we have 4 beautiful kids together, im not going anywhere."

"RICHIE THATS ENOUGH!!" Ann said grabbing him by the ear and taking him in the other room.  "uh oh" Becky chuckled  "he pushed mum too far"  Seth laughed and went into the living room while they waited for her dad to get back.   "you don't think im only with you for sex, like he seems to think you do are you?''  he asked her "are you serious?" Becky laughed "you are with me, because we love each other "  then she said quietly in his ear "the other is just an amazing perk of being.. mrs. Rollins" seth blushed a little and kissed her softly.

Becky and seth watched as Richie and Ann walked into the living room.  "im warning ya lad.. you be on yer best behavior when your nan is here, if ya aren't i'll let yer nan take a strap to yer arse fer ol times sake!"  Becky and seth chuckled quietly as the color drained from rich's face.

"OH!" Ann said "Pop's back with yer nan!" there were hugs and tears and laughs when nan saw Becky and Richie.  "been a few years" she said  "my lil spitfire tis all grown up" she said. "and who is this handsome young lad?"  she asked  "Nan" Becky said "this is my husband.. Seth"  "Seth, this is my Nan"   "very nice to meet you ma'am" he said politely.  "you are on the  Monday tv fight show!" she said suddenly.  "we have the show on every week" she said  with a grin.   "we loved what you and Rebecca Mary did to that blonde trollop" a few years ago.   "and to think they were telling the truth about you being her boyfriend lad." she said.

Becky asked her mom if she had the videos they had sent her recently. "they are by the tv lass" she said haven't given them a look yet"  Becky put the first one in. "get the lights Richie" she said.. he started to open his mouth but thought better of it and turned the light off.   the first video was a copy of their wedding video they had made for her mom and dad.

"Rebecca Mary!" her nan said "you looked gorgeous lass"   "Becks" Richie said quietly "you were telling the truth... I am so sorry, sis, you looked so beautiful"    Becky handed her nan the tissues  when she got teary eyed.   "when you were a wee lass, you always told me you wanted to get married and be a mum " she said dabbing at her eyes.

when they finished with that video Becky popped in the other one and it was a video of the kids playing together and doing cute things  and even playing with Seth and Becky "look at the wee ones!"  her nan said happily.  "so precious" she said.   "that's Kayleigh Elizabeth, she's 5"  Becky said  "That's Colby Michael he's 3"    and  those two are Madeline Rose and Daniel Seth  and they are 2" Becky told her nan.

"deary me!" her nan said "you and your lad have your hands full" she chuckled.. "but then im the last one to talk...  I had 12 kids and at one point had 7 at home under the age of 6" she chuckled.  Becky giggled.

Richie said "little Maddie seems to have yer sass becks"  "me? sassy?" Becky said innocently "never!"  everybody chuckled.  "ive got two wee nephews and 2 wee nieces." Richie  said "hope I get to meet em"

"well, if ya hadn't been carin more about the drink than you were about yer family lad" his nan told him"you wouldn't be in this mess."  "it took life finally kickin ya in yer bollocks to wake ya up."

"that it did" Richie admitted.  "wish I could come see the kiddos" he said. "don't know that I can travel that far." he added "we will figure that out another day ann" told him.   "think you will be having anymore wee ones?" Becky's nan asked her.

"we haven't decided yet" Becky said   "just remember lass... birth control is  tools of the devil  and you don't want him in yer bedroom with you and yer lad" Becky giggled nervously.  "only you and yer lad need to be in yer bedroom together alone as husband and wife." Becky and Seth blushed in the darkened room as Becky put the home movies away and Richie turned the light back on.

they had a wonderful family supper later that afternoon and Becky helped her mom quickly get the guest room ready for her nan, as her pop decided not to drive her home till morning so she could spend a little more time with Becky and Seth and the family.


Becky slipped out of bed quietly so as not to wake Seth, and went down to the kitchen to grab her water bottle.  as she walked back into the bedroom,  she stopped dead in her tracks- her nan was trying to get comfortable in the bed next to a sleeping Seth!  she moved around so much that it jostled him awake "AAAAAAACK" seth yelped his face turning bright red.   her nan jumped and was totally embarrassed.

"lordy be" she said sheepishly" I got turned around coming from a trip to the loo and im in the wrong room" she flipped the covers back and got up and turned to fix them as Seth frantically tried to cover himself.  "deary me" she chuckled. "don't think I was to be seeing ya bod lad" 

"come on nan" Richie said sleepily from the doorway, "i'll walk ya back to yer room"   as he walked her back to her room Ann was coming out of the loo and said "is everything ok?"  Richie nodded "nan just got confused and went in the wrong room"  "oh dear" ann said softly" but I thought I heard a loud noise." she said   "that was just Becca's lad" he said "nan caught him in the buff" he said.  "saw more of him than I should have" she chuckled.

Richie made sure nan was settled in her room before he and ann headed back to their rooms. and went back to sleep.


Seth was sitting up in bed totally embarrassed and Becky was laying in bed giggling next to him. "im not gonna be able to look her in the face at breakfast tomorrow."  he said... "or maybe ever" he chuckled quietly, his face was bright red. "how soon till we fly home?" he added. "that's what you get for taking your chances sleeping  in the buff lad." Becky said with a smile and a yawn.

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