Chapter 8

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I can't believe it is 2015! Seth said as he changed into his regular clothes in the locker room. "me neither!" Roman said...  and...."holy crap dude! what the hell did you post THAT on social media for?!?"  "huh?" said as he pulled his shirt on over his head.

"I'm tellin ya Rollins- no one wants to see ALL of you!"Seth gave his friend a puzzled look and walked over to look at his phone screen.  Seth blushed 4 shades of read when he saw what roman was referring to."  I was in the ring wrestling when those pics were posted"  Seth said.  

"who has access to the pics?" he asked as Seth slumped onto the bench next to him..  "just my fiancee" he said "i sent them to her one night when we were overseas on tour cause i missed her"   maybe her phone got stolen, or hacked  the miz said.  

Just then the locker room door opened  and Dean walked in.. "Rollins!" he  said  "Hunter and VInce want to see you IMMEDIATELY"   Seth looked at Roman and said "im dead!"  as he started to leave the locker room, he turned and said to dean "and just where have  you been- you disappeared before the show and again after our match... " i was talking to a couple guys in catering" he said

Seth let the door close behind him as he headed to meet with Vince and Hunter. "why would you think it is appropriate to post photos of yourself like that on our social media??!?!  vince said angrily--- you know there are kids that are fans too!!

"i didn't post them Seth said-- i was in the ring wrestling when they got posted. Hunter hung up the phone and said "they are gone now our social media team has deleted them.... BUT IF they blow up all there WILL be harsh reprocussions!!"

VInce left to the room  to take a business call, and Seth said "hunter, you have to believe me, i never posted them..." i know. he said I was told the time stamp  occured while you were in the ring for your match."    "my fiancee is the only one that had access to the pictures.... i think something happened to her phone."

"would zahra have anything to do with it?" hunter asked him "that new NXT superstar  with the tattoos." he said "Steph showed me an article that was sent to her that stated that you were cheating on your fiancee with her and that she had sent you some questionable pics of herself... steph received that article 10 minutes or so before the pictures of you were posted.

"look, hunter" Seth said i would never cheat on my fiancee-- zahra sent me those pics and asked me to go out with a real woman ..."   i deleted them and blocked her on social media, and blocked her phone number as some how she had gotten mine.


"hey becky!!" ya see what Rollins posted on social media earlier?? the pics were really clear... you could see ALL of him! Nikki said cattily "every single inch of him" she added. as she tried to show becky the pictures..  

"back off ya dope!" Becky said "i don't care what he posted.. i have a boyfriend"   "holy mother of mary" alicia said from across the room "that boy was buck nekkid!" and he small as hell she laughed.

Becky blushed horribly as she grabbed her things and left the locker room, she had no desire to look at the pics of her friend that had been posted, and she felt terrible for him.  once she was back at the hotel she texted Seth to see if he was ok. he told her he had gotten a royal ass chewing  from vince and hunter, but for now anyways, his job was safe.

"need to talk?" she said "aw becky, you know i would... but , i don't need rumors starting about me being in  your hotel room all night-- or you being in mine.."   "what if we go to the little diner on the corner?"  

"i'd like that"  as she  waited for seth in the lobby her phone chimed and she glanced at it.. it was her boyfriend Jake. "i see your buddy posted pics of him and his "little friend"  on social media"  he said "unlike me he's hung like a kid-- whereas im a real man"  I really hope you didn't look at the pics he went on cause if you will be very disappointed in them and iwill be disgusted with you since you are MY girl.

"shove it up your arse" she typed  "i haven't seen the pics nor do i want to-- quit being a jealous ninny"

she dropped her phone into her purse and saw seth getting off the elevator, he was wearing a black sweatshirt, backwards ballcap and black jeans with black shoes and a black fanny pack.

they walked to the diner and ate and chatted for several hours about his problems , and her boyfriend. by the time the walked backinto the hotel it was after 1am. he walked her to her hotel room door and waited while she got out her keycard. 

"still such a gentleman" she said giving him a little smile, "goodnight lad" she said "goodnight becky" he said.

once things blew over in the wwe Seth and his fiancee broke up because he was pretty sure she had been the one to post the pictures, and Becky had called it quits with her boyfriend because she found out he was seeing a friend of hers whenever she was gone with WWE.

Their friendship was stronger than ever,  and they helped each other get over that rough patch..together.

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