Chapter 13

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I still can't believe it. Becky said   "after being friends for so long, we are actually in love and getting married."   Seth chuckled as they made the drive from the airport home.   "me neither" seth said "its like we were meant to be together from the first time we met, but ignored what our hearts were telling us."  "maybe we should have listened" he said then you wouldn't have had to deal with dumb and dumber."   Becky just smiled and giggled.. "well you didn't exactly pick a couple of prizewinners yourself there lad." 

"touche"  Seth thought as he turned onto their street.   after they settle in for the night to catch up on dvr'd shows and have some pizza.   Seth told becky they needed to talk.   "sounds like we are going to be doing another show over in Saudi." he said.    "around Halloween" he added.  Becky roller her eyes and pretended to gag..  "great lad that means I get to sit home on me arse while you are a million miles away from my arms...  and my bed.. then she giggled like crazy

"your bed?" Seth said grabbing her and pulling her close to him... "I think its  OUR bed"  then he added "im not crazy about having to go over there either, especially  cause they seem to be so far behind the times for wrestling- not letting you ladies compete, and asking repeatedly for wrestlers who have passed on to be part of the shows or ones that should hung up the boots decades ago."

"now enough of this unpleasant talk" seth said  "let's relax and just be ....US"    they managed to clear a couple shows off the DVR  before calling it a night "joshy is gonna kill us for that pizza we ate tomorrow" Seth said as they headed upstairs.  'Too bad so sad" Becky said "it was  amazing!"  "that it was" Seth agreed   almost as good as your kisses my love. he added softly  as they stepped into the bedroom.

Becky blushed  as she went into the bathroom to wash her face and get ready for bed.   "he is such a tease" she thought  "but I can't break my promise to my pop..."   as she came out of the bathroom  seth gave a low whistle.  "i've never seen my shirt look so good" he chuckled as she walked over to the bed.   she glanced down and blushed .. she had grabbed one of his t-shirts by mistake and it just barely covered her rear, but she was comfortable and she didn't want to change.

"no peeking while I get into bed lad" she giggled. she quickly got into bed and pulled the covers up. seth shut off the light and got into bed next to her.   as he wrapped his arms around her, she moved closer to him.. "there is no better place to be than in your arms." she said softly.  Seth smiled and said "and I love having you in them, close to me."   becky felt herself blush  as he kissed her softly and she giggled when his kisses trailed along her jaw to her neck.  before she could say anything to him,  he kissed her passionately and as she returned the kiss, her heart began to race...   "he told me he wants me to keep my promise, but, he isn't going to make this easy for me" she thought.....

Seth, please.... she said softly,   "i'm not feeling ready for that yet." she gently reminded him.  Seth  suddenly realized that his hands  were on her chest.. he blushed and said "baby, I am so sorry...I guess I got a little carried away...."   "I don't need your dad and brother to kill me" he added with a chuckle.  Becky giggled  and said "or have me mum drag your arse to church 3 times a day  EVERY day the next time we see them.... by the time she is done with you, you'll be prayin the rosary in your sleep when she is through with settin ya to rights for trying to be intimate  with her little girl lad."   

Seth groaned at that thought and chuckled. "I haven't been to church in years he said"  he kissed her softly and added "ok firecracker, i'll keep my hands to myself in bed, and only kiss you and cuddle with you.. 

Becky rubbed his arm and said softly "its only till I am with my husband"   "and don't be thinkin we can go down to the courthouse and be getting married by a judge in the mornin  just so we can, um, get closer..." she was blushing as she added " that would be instant death on sight the next time we see me mum and pop."

Seth chuckled....... "don't worry,  I am not that kind of guy.."  " I don't want to upset you or your family."  "I love you Becky" he said  "I love you too Seth she said as they shared  sweet goodnight  kiss.

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