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Seth avoided Becky until lunchtime.- and then he took her off campus to a nearby mcdonald's so they would be away from their friends.   they had a nice lunch, and he told her that he would take her the prom.. but only as friends, and that this wasn't a date or anything.

"i understand" she told him.  after school she went to the mall with him and heloed him pick out a tux... "i hate  getting dressed up!" he said with a laugh. he dropped bbeck off at home and then went home to study and get ready to go to the gym.

Friday morning before gym class started he pulled backy aside and told her would pick her up at 6:30 for the dance, and asked what time she had to be home by.  "no curfew tonight" she said  "mom host mom says senior prom only happens once in your life, so you need to make memories, not have a curfew... she did say no staying a hotel though.. whatever that means."  Seth motioned for her to follow him under the bleachers... "what she meant by that was, that prom night is notorious for guys and their dates  to go up to hotel rooms that have been rented by a parent so that they can together for the very first time.." he said. BEcky blushed.

"so basically you boy-o's take us lassies  to your hotel rooms to shag?"   "lad, don't even think about trying that with me, or i'll beat ya black and blue."   "you have my word becky, i won't try anything like that with you, im not that kind of guy... i want to wait till i am with the right girl and its the right time, or a special night in our relationship. he told her.

they quickly took their seats on the bleachers and seconds later Mr Anderson walked in.  after class Seth quickly showered and left the locker room, he didn't want to deal with Roman and Dean asking him a million questions.

After school he dropped roman and dean off then headed to the mall to pick up his tux. he was actually nervous about the dance that night, and he didn't  know why. he headed home and hung up the garment bag with the tux and went to grab a quick snack. then he putter around on his playstation 2 till he had to get ready.

at 5:30 he went in an showered and shaved..  as he finished getting ready in his room he was trying to mentally prepare for his mom's reaction, and for the dance with becky.   he dabbed on a little cologne and grabbed his jacket and keys and headed downstairs.  his mom got tears in her eyes when she saw him "my baby boy is all grown up.." she said "you look very handsome" she told him.

He grabbed the corsage he had for becky from the fridge and left for the last dance of his high school career.  he was nervous when he got to becky's house.   and  his jaw dropped when he saw her come downstairs.. "you look beautiful" he told her.  she smiled at him and watched as he slid the corsage on her wrist.  they left for the dance a few minutes later.  

Seth and BEcky ended up having a wonderful time at the prom, and in a sheer stroke of luck were named prom king and prom queen...  the dance ended at 10:30 or so.  As Becky and Seth headed to his car he asked her if she wanted to go with him to the mall the next day since he had to return his tux.  before she could respond however she was shoved from behind and she hit the side of Seth's car!

"BECKY!!!" Seth cried "are you ok??"  "yeah" she said as she tried to catch her breath....  "just got the wind knocked out of me."  "don't be so sure about that you irish tart!!"  BEcky was on her feet at those words, spun around in her heels and punched the leather clad female right stomach.

"not so tough are ya now ya trollop!"  Becky said  "either ya keep ya gob shut or i'll put my fist in it lass!"

"take it easy  becky" charlotte said coming over to calm her friend down.. "you knew he had a girlfriend when you asked him to take you as a friend... we all tried to warn you....."   "oh shut yer yap char!" BEcky said pulling away from her friend..   Seth is giving me a ride home like real gentleman.. not taking me back a hotel room like your flavor of the week is..."

Seth was stunned at what at happened, and looked at his ex who was sitting  against the wall,  and said "why did you come here tonight, you know we are through.." he said  " i was hoping we could talk, and then go back to the hotel for a little fun...." she said  "EW! he said giving her a cold as ice stare... "i don't kow where you have been!" he  said.. and i am also not that kind of guy.

"where i have been?"  she said fighting tears... "sethie, i am saving myself for you" she said.  "cut the crap" he told her--- i know some guy came up with your parents and sister on visitors weekend to see you,   cause when i showed my visitors pass they told me there must be a mistake cause your boyfriend was already with you......   i talked to my cousin who works at the school and she said since the start of the school year you have had 7 different boyfriends!"   

AND  you have beeen in the heath office several times despite not being sick....  that news along with your jealousy over my friendship with becky  was the absolute last straw!" he told her.  so please don't bother me anymore, leave my friends alone and lose my address and phone number!!!  "Goodbye Cassidy"  he told her.

He held the door for becky while she got in the passenger seat, and Cassidy hollered "don't bother trying to get him to put out for you.... he is a scaredy cat cause he is still a virgin!!! Seth turned several shades of red  as he got in on the drivers side and he could tell that Becky was blushing too.

"i am so sorry about tonight" he told her  "proms don't normally break out in fights" I still had a really nice time she said.  as the came to a stop out  side her house, he walked her to the door and without warning she kissed him on the cheek.. "thank you for being a perfect gentlemen tonight"  she told him.  "i'll see you in class on monday." she said softly.. "goodnight"

"goodnight" he said.  he was lost in thought the whole way home.  Monday at school was going to be interesting he had a feeling.......





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