Chapter 33

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"I wish you could go with me" Seth said to Becky as he  got his things out of the car.he said goodbye to  Kayleigh (2 1/2) and Colby Michael (3 weeks) and gave becky a long hug and a kiss. "i wish i could too" she said " but with his feeding schedule, being on a plane  would be a fookin nightmare."

"i'll try to face time everyday" he told her.  "i'll see you in 14 days" he said. "love you"  "love you too" she said.

Two days into the tour she got a text from charlotte. "this club was lit last night we had a blast!!"  Becky tapped on the link-- and there was a pic of her sitting on Seth's lap looking very cozy....  Becky shrugged it off and gave the kids their baths and put them to bed. ****DING****  her cell phone chimed.

Becky sat down in the living room and looked at her phone... it was Sheamus... "hey lass hold onto your knickers-- you won't believe this!" he said.  she taped on the link he sent and it took her to a wrestling website that said they had video evidence of Charlotte kissing her new boyfriend...  she tapped the link and her jaw dropped... the video was taken on the plane without Charlotte knowing it and she was kissing ..................................SETH! as her hand was rubbing on the front of his jeans!

she was stunned!  she texted Lacey and asked her to come over as she really needed to talk. once Lacey got there Becky showed her the photo and the video and burst into tears. "i though he loved me"  she cried.   Lacey hugged her and said " sweetie, he  loves you more than a hog loves slop" she chuckled "he would never dishoner the vow and promises he made to you."

"then why is he allowing her to kiss him and touch him like that?"  Lacey watched the video again said "cause he is almost asleep from the looks of it and probably doesn't realize she is doing it"   the two friends sat up and talked till close to midnight before calling it a night.

around 3 am Becky was putting Colby in his crib when her phone screen lit up and  it was Charlotte. " the hotel is gorgeous!" her text read and then Becky looked at the attached picture -- it was a hotel room with luggage and a bed with 4 bare legs on it.  Becky gasped she recognized the luggage as Seth's  and saw a black fanny pack on the dresser!

After breakfast the next morning Seth's mom came and got the kids, and Becky tried to call Seth, but, he didn't answer his phone. "probably the time difference" Lacey reminded her.  Becky sat her phone down and loaded the dishwasher- when it chimed she asked Lacey who it was... 
you don't want to know" she said  then it chimed a second time "that  one was sheamus" she said.

Becky dried her hands and read Sheamus's  text.  he said" methinks the lass has a death wish!"   and included the link to 3 or 4 pics of Charlotte on the beach in a revealing bikini- straddling someone who's head had been cut off in the pic.   "i know those swim trunks!" Becky said with tears in her eyes.

Lacey stayed with Becky and helped her with the kids until the morning Seth was due home... he sounded like he was excited to see her and the kids.  Becky had asked about Charlotte, and he said nothing happened and she was overreacting.

Just before lunchtime,  she got a text from Finn  "if the lad is wanting his arse kicked i'll be more than happy to oblige!"  she took a deep breath and tapped the link it was Char kissing seth in a hot tub and she was naked!  Becky felt sick to her stomach!  she ran upstairs and packed a couple bags and asked Lacey to sit with the kids till Seth came home.. "i can't even look at him right now"   she said tearfully.  

She headed for a hotel a a few hours away.. she needed to think and clear her head.  when she got to the hotel, she had a message from Seth's mom asking her if the rumors were true... then she got a text from joshy asking about the rumors.  

she texted joshy and told him she prayed they weren't rure but had talked to Seth yet.  then she called his mom and told her she was trying to clear her head.  "we raised him better than that" she told becky, this behavior is so unlike him."

Seth texted her a few minutes later and asked her why Lacey had been with the kids.  "because of your fling with charlotte.   "my what with who?" he said quietly  "baby, i think someone is feeding you a line of bs because they know your hormones are still running amok after having Colby." he told her.  "will you be home soon?"

"maybe" she said "but this isn't something i want to discuss in front of Kayleigh and Colby"  "can i come see you so we can talk?" he asked her. "not today" i need time. "becks..please, i love you" he told her.  " i gotta go" she told him.  she ended the call and silenced her phone.

a couple hours later Seth's mom texted her repeatedly asking her to call her.  she called his mom and his mom said Seth was heartbroken that he couldn't talk to her and that she chose to believe whatever garbage she had been told..  "i'll talk to him in a couple days"  she told his mom. " i need to process everything and clear my head and figure out what my options are."

when she awoke the next morning she had several texts from seth and several phone messages from him..  joshy had shown him all the pics and the video, and he was livid! "i never knew they were taken" he said in one of the messages, and added he didn't know what she was trying to pull.

the last phone message he told her he loved her and he missed her and the kids missed her. "please come home to us where you belong my forever love"  he said.





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