Chapter 20

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It was a steamy August night in Iowa,   wwe was in town for Raw, and Becky was given the ok to be at the show backstage  to see her friends.  Everyone was happy to see her.. they kept telling her how great she looked, and asking her and Seth if they were having a boy or a girl

"we don't know"  Becky said.  "we are waiting till the baby is born to find out."   "won't be much longer now" Charlotte said hugging her friend.   after hanging out with her friends in catering. Seth took her to his locker room so she could lie down for a little bit.   after her nap Becky had fun watching the matches on the monitor backstage. 

As she was returning from her umpteenth trip to  the restroom,  she yelped in pain. "you tryin to break me ribs ya little munchkin?" she giggled with a grimace.   as she settled into watch the next match, Lacey  came in and sat by her. and asked how she was feeling. "tired" she admitted "but in a good way"  I never realized just how amazing this whole process is . Becky told her.

"its truly a miracle"  Lacey said.  the two chatted till the main event started and Becky smiled when Seth came out and turned and blew a kiss to the camera and winked.  "such a sweetheart" Lacey drawled.

Becky said "he's a keeper, hasn't missed a single appointment either"      "did they have you do a birth plan?" Lacey asked her. "uh huh, it was pretty easy though,  gonna try it with no pain meds, and just me and Seth in the room with the dr and the nurses." Becky said "don't need everyone and their brother staring at me and my lady parts." she giggled... then she groaned.

"if ya kick me in the ribs one more time.. you are grounded till you are 21." Becky said rubbing her side.  "um honey.. that's the 4th time you have said you were kicked since I have been sitting in here with you.... you sure you don't need the doctor?"

"I don't know" Becky admitted.   Lacey's marine instincts kicked  in and she pulled her hair  quickly into a high bun and move the chairs  out of the way.. Ali was walking into the room and she hollered at him to call 911 and find the doctor--STAT! he took off on the run back out the door.

as she tried to get becky comfortable she grabbed the wrestling t-shirt  that was over the back of one of the chairs  and put it with in reach. she got becky doing breathing exercises, and hollered for someone to try to get word to the ref to end the match in the ring so Seth wouldn't miss anything..  "this little one is in a hurry to see the world" Lacey admitted  "gonna be stubborn like their mama." Becky laughed as another pain hit her hard.. "holy mother of hell that one fooking hurt!"

Lacey ran out of the room and came back with the first aid kit from the nearby room.. she sanitized her hands and said a quick prayer... "I know your man isn't in here and this isn't the hospital... but you are gonna have to push on this one.." Lacey told her "I see the head" "BEcky felt panicky.. she knew seth wanted to be there with her for the birth.. she said a silent prayer and prepared to push.   groaning as she pushed Lacey got her through the contraction and helped her breathe before the next one. "you are doing just fine sweetie" she told her. 

Lacey glanced up and was surprised to see sasha banks walking into the room with her dog.. "get that unsanitary thing out of here" Lacey said  "im the legit boss  he goes where I go" she huffed. "Lacey straightened up a little and kept an eye on Becky the whole time." " I got this mama" she told her   "take you and your fake ass purple hair and your dog out of here right now,  this area has to stay as sterile as possible for the baby."

"baby?" sasha said turning green "that is disgusting why is she doing that here? oh wait to upstage me." she said.  "shut your ignorant mouth and get you and your dog outta here!  Lacey heard a familiar voice growl from behind sasha..   "just in time dad!" she laughed as he pulled his hair into a quick bun and sanitized his  hands and arms. "the  trainer already doused me good once, this is for good measure" he laughed.

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