Chapter 26

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It was nearly  time for thanksgiving tradition known as  Survivor Series.  Kayleigh was growing like a weed and  toddling and talking and into.....EVERYTHING!  Becky was back wrestling, but only on raws and at PPV's.   Her feud  with Sasha had been the talk of the wrestling world all summer long and it was showing no signs of letting  up.

One monday night at the end of October, Sasha was up to her crazy antics, and was haphazardly swinging a dented motorcycle helmet around and connected with Becky's head sending her to the floor in a heap..   "GET SOME HELP OVER HERE!!!!!!"  Xavier Woods hollered loudly- "WE NEED THE DOCTOR AND EMTS!!!"    Lacey and Seth nearly mowed each other down to get over the fallen redhead.

 "Becks!!"  Seth said... " Can you hear me??"    "lay still honey, help is coming"  Lacey told her.  as Becky started to stir the EMT's began checking her over as Seth looked on worriedly.   she was taken to  the hospital to get checked out. but preliminary reports indicated she had a lump on her head, but thankfully no concussion.

of course WWE  played it up to the hilt and said she was having memory issues and had a severe concussion..   towards the end of the show,  Becky was shown in the backstage area  at the arena.. and she was getting very flirty with the united states champion--- Cesaro!  Seth watched from the ramp in confusion like everyone else.  

that night at the hotel,  Becky said she wasn't too thrilled with the storyline, but,  the payoff was supposedly worth it.  "just don't anything that you are uncomfortable with" Seth said as they cuddled in bed. Becky assured him she wouldn't  and that she wouldn't do anything that would cheapen the promises she made to him on their wedding day.

The next week on raw  fans were stunned  when Becky was shown on camera with jet black hair,  darker than normal make up, a black leather skirt, a black leather crop top and a black leather jacket and thigh high black boots. 

Seth's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw her dressed like that.  she acted like she had never met him and didn't know who he was or that he was her husband..  Seth looked crushed.  as he watched her walk away with Cesaro  he realized that she wasn't wearing her wedding ring like she normally did.

He slumped into the nearby chair and put his head in his hands.... "am i a bad person?  why is she acting like this?"  he went and talked to Hunter in gorilla position during a commercial break and he assured him that this was all for TV and that  Becky was ok with it.

later in the show Cesaro and Becky were shown having a romantic meal and making out..  "i think i am going to throw up!" Seth told  Lacey who was sitting next to him.   a big shadow passed by him and sat down next to him... it was Baron Corbin!  "what do you want doofus" Seth said "come to rub it in?"   Corbin shook his head.  "nah"  he said  "i came over to see if you need to talk to someone other than  miss fried green tomatos here" he chuckled. Lacey stuck out her tongue at him and left the room.

"look Seth"  Baron said... "I have seen the way you look at each other in and out of the WWE.. you don't have ANYTHING to worry about Becky loves you."   "the two of you have a beautiful little girl together, and i am sure  there will be more little feet in your house  before you know it."  

"hunter would never have her in a storyline she is uncomfortable with" he added.  before Seth could respond he heard screaming and yelling in the hallway, he and Baron took of towards the door.   "are you out of your ever loving mind??!"  Lacey  snarled at Cesaro who was on the floor with a bloody nose. Baron  had to fight hard to keep from laughing.  Becky was checking on Cesaro and acting all concerned about him.

Seth couldn't take it any longer... he pulled her gently to her feet and and tried to hug her, and she slapped him! "stay away from me" she said "i'm a married woman"  thats where  the show ended for the night.  

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