Chapter 22

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 Before Seth and Becky could blink Kayleigh was almost 2 months old... Becky was hurring to get her down for a nap so she culd finish cleaning and get in the shower before she and Seth had to pick up her mom and dad  from the airport.

"i can't believe they are going to be here  for a whole month!"  she said. " i have missed them so much."  she told Seth as he helped her  put clean sheets on their bed.   "they are staying in a hotel right?" he said....  "my brother is" she said.  "my parents want to help us with Kayleigh.."  she said.

Seth just sighed.... I was hoping we finally have a date night, and I could finally get to be alone with my beautiful wife... he said... we have pretty much been sitting home since she was born, i mean yes we have taken her for walks  and to my folks, and i have been trying to keep my workout schedule..  But, i don't you and I have gone out just the two of us.. since before she was born.

"thats just how it works now" Becky said "Kayleigh comes first."   "but, becks..." Seth said as the doorbell rang "we still need to make time for each other to connect as friends, lovers, and as husband and wife."   "i know" Becky said "i just don't know how.. she admitted.  

"hi mom!" Seth said as he opened the door  "thanks for sitting with Kayleigh so we can go to the airport"  "there's a list of numbers by the phone if you need them Becky said "she shouldn't need to eat cause we won't be gone that long" she continued.. "she is sleeping right now"  becky went on... " her diaper rash is clearing up  nicely but the tube of cream is on top of the wipe container...  make sure you use the changing pad when you change her... she loves peek a boo...

"Becks...." Seth laughed... "i think my mom knows how to take care of a baby.."    his mom just smiled "leaving  your baby alone for any length of time as new parent is hard. she chuckled.  "you have nothing to worry about" she assured becky.. "look how well Seth turned out" she smiled.

Becky and Seth told her they would be back as quick as they could.   once they got through traffic,  they parked and hustled into the airport and headed for the international terminal.   It wasn't long before she spotted her family "mum!! pop!!" she called out happily  Seth watched as they got to each other as quick as they  could and they hugged and cried happy tears.   "where's me pain in the arse brother richy?" she chuckled.  

"he couldn't come lass" her dad told her "got caught  by the  the guards fer drink driving.-- goes before the magistrate tuesday morn"  "you didn't bail him out?" she said  "nope.. stubborn lad needs to learn his lesson fore he kills someone.. he said."

"since he already booked his lodging, we will be staying in the room he booked."  her mom told her.  Seth felt bad for becky, but at the same time he hoped that maybe they would get to spend some much needed time alone together.

Becky and her folks talked all the way to the hotel and got her folks settled in then, and then they headed to their house so that her parents could finally meet Kayleigh... Seth had never seen so many smiles-- he and his mom went into the kitchen so that becky and kayleigh could spend time with her parents.

he explained to his mom why becky's brother wasn't there.  then he broke down in tears.... "i don't know what to do mom" he told her "she focuses  all her attention pretty much on kayleigh 24/7"  "i'll be going back on the road in a few weeks, and im afraid that if we don't take more time for ourselves before i am wrestling again, that me being gone will make  things worse for us he said."

"did you push dad away after either of us were born? " he asked her... "a little at first especially  after your brother was born.. he was my first baby."   "just remember"  she said " she is not doing it to hurt you pr push you away... she is still trying to learn how to balance being a new mom (an everything that goes with that) with being a best friend/lover and wife to you(and everything that goes with that) 

don't pressure her. she told him, help her around the house and with kayleigh as much as possible..  take kayleigh to the park for daddy daughter time or to walk around the mall, so that Becky can have time to herself so she can relax and recharge.

Seth was taking everything his mom said to heart.  "thanks mom"   " and if you ever need a sitter, you can always call me."  she said with a smile. "i'll remember that" he said.. but becky is very leery to leave Kayleigh  with anyone.

Seth's mom glanced at her watch. " i need to stop at the store and be getting home i will see you guys on Sunday." she said.. Seth hugged his mom goodbye and then they headed out in the other room so she could say goodbye to Kayleigh and Becky.

"i'll see everyone on sunday" she said.  she leaned over and hugged becky and Kayleigh... then she said goodbye to Becky's mom and dad.  after a nice dinner, Seth took  Becky's parents back to the hotel for the night so that Becky could get Kayleigh settled in for the night.

When Seth got home,  the down stairs was dark which surprised him since it was only 9:00.  he locked the door and set the security system and headed upstairs.  Kayleigh was alseep in her nursery.   as he stepped into their room Becky was face down on their bed in her bathrobe, crying.

As seth tried to comfort her and find out was wrong,  she  said "don't touch me" through her tears..  "i'm mum first and foremost... you just need to accept that."  "becks... please"  he said "talk to me, "i'm here for you." he told her...

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