At Dusk 'HE' waits

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{Note:- This update is not divided into past and present timelines.}

Wei Xian's parents and Uncle Jiang Fengmian had grown up together. They were best friends.

His dad and uncle Jiang were practically brothers. But since Jiang Fengmian's marriage, the two families had lost touch. They had met only a couple of times after that. And those meetings had been more about Jiang Family wanting financial help from the Wei family.

For the two families meeting and spending time together was not something Jiang Yu had wanted. She had made sure that her husband stayed away from Wei Cheng and his wife.

So, when Jiang Fengmian had fallen on hard times, he had not wanted to ask for his friend's help. But after exhausting all options, the Jiang family had no choice but to do that.

And Wei Cheng had helped, without hesitation.

After all, Wei Cheng had always considered Jiang Fengmian as his brother.

So when Wei Cheng and his wife had passed away in a freak accident, it was but natural for the Jiang family to adopt Xian, their only son.

Xian was three at the time.

After the funeral, which the entire Jiang family had attended, and all the guests had left, Jiang Fengmian had looked for Xian. He had spotted him playing with the other younger kids. A girl of about six was quietly sitting and observing the kids play. The girl had smiled at Jiang Fengmian, and he had smiled back at her affectionately.

Not wanting to stop the kids, Jiang Fengmian had just stood there watching the kids play.

At dusk, Xian had suddenly stopped playing and run to the window. He had stood there quietly, looking at the setting sun.

"Not again... " His friends had whined.

"What is it, Xian?" Jiang Fengmian had asked.

"I don't know... " Xian had trailed off, without looking at Jiang Fengmian. Xian had kept looking at the sun until it had set. Then, he had turned and walked back to his friends, with a sad look on his face.

Jiang Fengmian had two children. A daughter and a son named Yanli and Cheng, respectively. The girl was six, and the son was one at the time.

When uncle had brought him home, he had told Yanli, "From today, you have two brothers. You have to love them equally. They are your responsibility, alright? "

To which Yanli had smiled joyfully and nodded.

Then he had turned to Wei Xian and said, "Wei Xian, you have always called Yanli 'Shijie'. However, from today, you are a member of our family, and that makes Yanli your Jiejie. Would you like to call her Jiejie? "

Yanli had smiled innocently, looked at Wei Xian, and nodded encouragingly.

At that time, Wei Xian had just looked at his Shijie and smiled cutely. Then, he had blushed and lowered his eyes, and whispered, "Shijie..? "

That was precisely the moment when Yanli had let this child enter into her family and her heart.

Jiang Fengmian had smiled, "If you like calling her Shijie, then Shijie it is."

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