Part 11:- In 'Pain' and In 'Pleasure'

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{Note:- Mature content ahead. Will mark the start and end with A/N for those who want to skip it.}


YiJun sighs, "If I kiss you now, I will end up hurting you. Xian, your blood is driving me insane. I can't- I don't think I can stop if I start." He bangs his hand on the wall in frustration. "Damn it."

The knife in Xian's hand falls to the floor, making YiJun turn towards him. His brows knit when he sees the tears in the younger boy's eyes, "What happened?" He asks, walking closer once more.

Xian doesn't speak. He covers them remaining distance and throws his arms around YiJun. He buries his face in the older boy's neck, "Don't stop yourself. Make me yours completely. I am free, Jun. We are free." He gushes.

"What did you say?" YiJun asks, looking into Xian's eyes.

"When the white lotus glowed, the spell ended..." Xian says, slowly cupping the prince's face. Heat rises to his cheeks, and he turns away, feeling shy and nervous.

A second later, he feels YiJun's hands encircling his waist, pulling him closer.

Xian giggles as YiJun licks the younger boy's neck before biting it softly.

"Jun... Mmmm." Xian hums at the feel of YiJun's teeth on him.

{A/N for Mature content}

YiJun's hands tremble when they land on Xian's hard nipples. He caresses them slowly, drawing needy gasps from Xian, who throws his head back, asking for more.

YiJun kisses the younger boy's neck, before turning him in his arms.

Xian's face is not the only thing flushed at this point. He removes himself from YiJun's embrace and closes the windows, plunging the room in semi-darkness. He lights a few candles and walks to the bed, removing his lower garments as well. He stands with his back to YiJun. "Come to me."

YiJun rushes over to Xian and hugs him from behind. "Are you scared?" YiJun whispers. His voice breaks at the last syllable.

"Of you?" Xian asks, turning in YiJun's embrace.

"Mn." YiJun gulps.

"Never. My Jun, I love you. You are mine. You will never have the power to scare me." Xian says confidently before undoing YiJun's trousers.

He pushes the older boy into the bed and climbs on top of him.

"Jun... " Xian says slowly, his hands touching YiJun, starting from his face and making his way down. "Your body has changed again." He kisses YiJun's shoulder, "You are more gorgeous than before." Xian's hands travel lower to the now hard nipples stroking them gently.

YiJun gasps, feeling embarrassed at the sounds leaving his mouth; he feels powerless against Xian's touches.

Without giving any warning, Xian leans in begins sucking on YiJun's nipple.

"Ahhhhh...! Xian...please." YiJun moans, his hands fist the sheets.

"What do you want me to do, Jun? What will make you happy?" Xian asks, looking up and moving lower.

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