'Mine' and 'Yours'

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{Note:- Mildly mature content ahead. Will mark it with A/N}


Even though Xi Xi was keeping the queen company and the queen was smiling more often than before, everyone had begun to notice that the queen had lost her will to live.

YiJun had started getting sad looks from the palace staff and his father; it had bothered him before, but since the time he had met Xian, he had stopped paying attention to these looks, for they did nothing but bring him down. As long as Xian was by his side, YiJun was fine; YiJun was happy.

YiJun loved dawn; he truly loved it, for that was the time every day when Xian used to arrive at the palace with his mother. He always waited for Xian at dawn. 

YiJun hated dusk; he truly hated it, for that was the time every day when Xi Xi used to return home, taking Xian with her; taking Xian away from him.

Once Xian entered the palace gates, he used to leave his mother and run to his Jun. The boys used to spend the whole day together.

The little prince had started smiling more often than before, and little Xian had continued to shower YiJun with affection. In the beginning, YiJun had just accepted the smaller boy's innocent hugs and kisses, but as days had gone by, the prince had started reciprocating Xian's hugs and kisses with his innocent ones.

In the beginning, YiJun had just felt happy every time the younger boy had called him HIS, but as days had gone by, YiJun had started responding. And every time, Xian called YiJun, "MINE", YiJun replied, "YOURS."

YiJun and Xian had gotten closer. They were each other's companions in everything, and they rarely left each other's side.

The palace staff had begun to notice this strange yet strong friendship but had decided not to make a big deal about it. After all, YiJun was an only child, and every child wants a playmate.

Almost six months had passed since Aunty Xi Xi and Xian had set foot inside the palace, when one day, the queen had called the boys in her chamber and spoken to both of them, "YiJun, Xian... promise me that you will take care of each other. Xian, Jun needs you, and you have to be there for him, always."

Little Xian had not understood what was being asked of him exactly, but he had smiled and nodded nonetheless.

The queen had looked at YiJun then and beckoned him closer. Hugging him, she had advised, "YiJun, you are special. Always keep Xian next to you. You need to protect each other. Do you understand me, son?"

YiJun had nodded. But of course, he too was too young to realize the depth and importance of his mother's words. YiJun had replied confidently, "I understand, mother. I will always keep Xian next to me."

The queen had smiled and hugged both the children. "YiJun, if anything happens to me, aunty Xi Xi will take care of you."

YiJun had frowned disapprovingly at those words, so the queen had once again taken a different approach, "YiJun, she is Xian's mother. If you don't respect her, listen to her, she may feel hurt and take Xian away from... "

"No, she can't do that." YiJun had blurted out, and without a moment's hesitation, had agreed, "I promise I will listen to aunty."

The queen had looked at Xi Xi and smirked, and Xi Xi had nodded knowingly.

"Mother, can we go outside now?" YiJun had requested, and the queen had agreed, "Mn." and added affectionately, "I love you, sweetheart."

"Love you too, mother." YiJun had said hurriedly, before dragging Xian outside with him.

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