Part 2 :- Till 'Death' do us Part

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*Fifty years after YiJun and Shen part with Xian's parents*

YiJun forgets about his prey and follows the young boy secretly. The boy goes inside a house, and YiJun follows.

YiJun had not had blood for almost two weeks. He was on edge. His mind was in a haze, and his senses were weak. 

Shen had forced him to go and hunt, but just a moment before he was going to persuade his pray, his eyes had fallen on a young boy who looked and smelled like his Xian.

When YiJun doesn't return home, Shen goes in search of YiJun. YiJun's scent leads Shen to a house. He finds the occupants of the house looking dazed and huddled in a corner. Then his eyes fall on a young boy struggling in YiJun's arms. 

The boy screams, "Sir, please, help me... Save me."

YiJun cups the boys face in his palms and breaths deeply. YiJun's hands go on the boy's belts, that are holding his top garments. But before he can take it off, Shen pulls him away. 

"YiJun! Control yourself! He is scared of you. He is not Xian."

"But uncle, look at him. He looks exactly like Xian."

Shen hugs YiJun. "Son, you haven't fed in two weeks. The restlessness you are feeling right now is confusing you. Why don't you feed first? I will make sure he is here when you return."

"Uncle, please," YiJun begs.

"If it's not him and you mark him, you know what will happen." Shen reminds him. The thought of losing Xian forever brings YiJun to his senses. He goes out and hunts before returning to the boy's home. 

One whiff of the boy tells YiJun that it's not his Xian; he leaves the boy and his family alone and runs off.

They leave the village the same night. YiJun hugs Xiao Xian the whole time, apologizing for the mistake he had made: of touching another person, of embracing another human. He apologizes for betraying his Xian.

After what he had done, YiJun had realized that it had happened because he had not fed. That made him change his attitude towards drinking blood. Because he was scared of making the same mistake again, he started feeding regularly. 

In the beginning, feeding made him feel remorse, but as he started feeding more frequently, his heart hardened, and so did his attitude. 


Xian takes a cab home. When Yanli asks the reason for his early return, he tells her that the message he had sent was a joke; that nothing was going on between him and his boss; that some documents had to be signed for which Mr. Lan needed him. After which he had gone to a park and studied.

In the evening, he goes to the club, and after the performance is over, he goes to the locker room to pick up his things and finds XiChen waiting for him.

"Hey, what a coincidence!" Xian says, walking towards XiChen.

XiChen smiles, "It's not a coincidence. I was waiting for you."

Xian cocks his head to a side, "Why?"

"Because I wanted to ask you if you got into trouble because of me yesterday?" XiChen asks, looking concerned.

'Why can't Jun be more like him?' Xian wonders, "No, you didn't get me into trouble."

"So would you like to go out to grab a coffee with me?"

Xian wants to say yes. No, not because he likes XiChen. He wants to say yes, because he wants to make Wangji jealous. But try as he may, he just can't lead XiChen on like this, "Sorry, I can't. I have homework." He lies.

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