Part 8 :- Till 'Death' do us Part

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*Seventy Years before YiJun meets Wei Xian for the first time (the 1950s)*

After Xiaohui's incident, YiJun falls into depression. He stops hunting; he stops going out; he stops looking for Xian. He stops; just stops.

He keeps reliving the day he had spent with Xiaohui and keeps remembering Xian's smile. 

Even though Xian had told him to find him sooner, his belief that Xian would only return to his old body had strengthened.

As years pass by, he keeps staring at Xian's unmoving form and taking care of Xian's body. The only time he smiles, or talks, is at dusk and dawn. And every day, his words are the same, his actions are the same, "I love you, Xian, come back to your Jun."

Shen doesn't understand how to bring YiJun back from the depths of darkness that seem to consume him.

Initially, YiJun refuses to drink even the blood that Shen brings for him, but after Shen reminds him of the consequences, YiJun starts drinking it again. Unlike before, though, he doesn't ask Shen how or from where he was getting it.

In the meanwhile, China has had a bad century full of wars and foreign invasions. YiJun doesn't experience any of it. He keeps himself away from anything that isn't his Xian. 

Until one day, Shen decides that he too couldn't go on anymore. Looking at two lifeless individuals, one by fate and the other by choice, had taken a toll on him and his wolf; he stops getting blood for his nephew. Without blood to keep YiJun sane, the immortal's urge to kill and drink kicks in.

YiJun tries to stop breathing. Xian's blood has always been his weakness; it calls to the immortal now. Afraid of losing control, YiJun leaves the house, first time in thirty years.

His eyes take in the new world he has stepped into; there are scents he doesn't recognize; the smell of gasoline lingers in the air; the roads are different. The new things all around YiJun, confuse him, but it's night time and his need for blood clouds his mind. He runs here and there aimlessly till his eyes fall on a Red Cross on top of a building. 

He enters it, and the smell of sickness and blood threatens to break his already shaken resolve: not take a human life.

He walks past people dressed in white and further inside the facility. He finds a woman carrying a tray with what looks like a bag of blood on it.

"Excuse me?" He calls out to the woman; she stops to look at him. Walking towards her, he smiles; it's weak, but serves its purpose. She smiles back, "How may I help you, sir?" She asks.

"Look into my eyes... " The immortal says, catching her eyes and the woman's eyes meet at stay on YiJun's. 

"Once I leave, you will remember nothing."

She nods.

"What is this?" He asks, pointing at the bag of blood.

"Blood for transfusion."

"Are you taking it for someone?"

The woman nods again and steps closer. "I want you... " She says as the tray falls off her hands.

YiJun catches it and steps away, "Where can I find more of it?" He enquires, and the woman points towards a room.

"Take it where it is needed." He says and proceeds to the room the woman had pointed at.

What he sees there, surprises the immortal; he takes a bag and smells it before drinking from it. He empties the bag and starts feeling like himself again.

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