Part 1 :- In 'Pain' and In 'Pleasure'

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{Note:- Some character names have been mentioned for the first time. I will mark it with a ' * '

Who they are will be told at the end of the update in the notes.}


Because of Xian's persistent tantrums, the journey home proves to be much more difficult than Xi Xi had expected. 

The tantrums take many forms: begging, pleading, promising, to downright threatening, "Mother, please let me go back to Jun, or I will run away when you are not looking."

After innumerable attempts of explaining to Xian that he will be sent back to YiJun in a few days, Xi Xi decides to remain quiet and let Xian blabber.

Finally, the mother and her son make it back home. Xian immediately runs to his father and complains to him about his mother's injustice.

Xi Xi follows him inside, "It's as I had feared. They have already bonded." She informs her husband, Xiao Cong, who is a man of infinite patience and understanding. 

Cong's eyes widen; color drains from his face, "Are you sure?"

Xi Xi nods, "YiJun told me himself."

"Xi Xi, how is it possible? They are too young. Even Princess Jia was able to sense it only at eighteen. How did it happen!??"

Looking at his father in such a distressed state makes Xian feel as if he has indeed done something unforgivable. Without even being told, he leaves his parents alone to discuss the situation at hand.

"Xi Xi, does he have the mark yet? What is it?"

Xi Xi's eyes widen as the realization strikes her that in all the nervousness and confusion, she had indeed forgotten about the mark. She turns to leave, but Cong stops her, "Wait, tell me how far?"

Xi Xi knows what her husband wants to know, "They have not done anything yet."

Cong leaves a breath he had not realized that he was holding, "We can't keep them apart for long. Yet, them being close is not an option either."

Xi Xi nods, tears make their way down her cheeks, "I should have warned them... I didn't think things will suddenly take such a turn. When YiJun stared had avoiding Xian, I thought we didn't have to worry about the bond just yet. Moreover, we were not even sure..."

Cong hugs his wife, "If Jia* had had a daughter, maybe things could have worked out differently... " Cong trails off.

"Husband, this shouldn't be the end of Zhu bloodline. We can't let it end like this. Zhu Shen* is dead, and so is Brother Yun*. Everything rests on Brother Zian* now, but he left to cultivate his powers. I don't know when or if he will be back."

"Xi Xi, we don't have any proof of Shen's death. He may still be alive." Xiao Cong tries to console his wife.

"He would have returned to us if he was, don't you think?"

Looking at Xi Xi's closed stance, Xiao Cong realizes that he has hit a nerve.

"You know, you don't look much different than Xian when you are throwing a tantrum." Xiao Cong teases, trying to lighten the mood.

"Husband, this is not a matter to be taken lightly. We need to bind Xian, sooner the better." Xi Xi suggests. 

"I agree."

Once they have put a plan in place, the couple goes to their son. They need Xian to cooperate, but they also know that if not handled in the right way, Xian would never agree to it.

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