Part 3 :- 'Better' or 'Worse'

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 "Xian!" YiJun turns and throws his sword at the masked attacker and catches Xian in his arms. YiJun watches as blood oozes out of the cut Xian has received on the nape of his neck, staining Xian's pale peach-colored garments red.

Xian brings his hand up to touch YiJun's cheek slowly, "It didn't touch you, did it, Jun?"

"No, it didn't. You saved me."

Xian smiles feebly, "Good... good..." and his hand falls away from YiJun's cheek; his eyes close.

"Xian! Xian, wake up, Xian..." YiJun holds the younger boy in his arms, and tears roll down his cheeks.

"Prince, you need to leave. We will deal with these bandits." One of the soldiers says, trying to shield YiJun from more masked bandits, while another brings a horse and helps YiJun and Xian mount it.

"I am sorry, Uncle," YiJun says, looking at his uncle, who is dealing with a handful of masked assailants. His uncle nods, and YiJun, holding Xian close to his body, ride towards the palace. On reaching there, he finds the royal physician waiting for him at the gate. The physician observers the prince as he gets off the horse, "Prince, thank God you are not critically injured. Please go to your room. I have already prepared it just in case."

"Doctor, it's not me, but Xian, who needs you. Please follow me."

"Prince... It's the King's order... "

"Doctor, I will let you treat me only after I am sure about Xian's well-being. So, I suggest you get to it fast." With that said, YiJun carries Xian into his chamber.

The physician follows them closely, and as soon as YiJun puts Xian on the bed, the doctor gets to work. He bandages the wound and checks his vitals.

"Prince, he has lost quite a bit of blood, but he is young and strong; he will recover. Also, lucky for him, the knife missed a major artery. He will be fine in a few days."

"Why isn't he waking up?"

"Exhaustion and shock. Xian is only fourteen. He has never been in such a violent situation before. He should be up soon."

YiJun nods and keeps looking at Xian.  'I should never have risked my life like that. I need to change the way I have been dealing with things. I will make sure he is fine. I will...'

When YiJun has not spoken for a few minutes, the physician finally voices his concern, "Prince, if I don't tend to your wounds now, your father will punish me. Moreover, I can assure you that Xian will be fine. He should regain consciousness any moment now."

"Mn." YiJun agrees and disrobes. There is silence in the room as the physician disinfects and dresses all his wounds. 

Once done, the physician looks at YiJin with sad eyes, "Prince, you were lucky this time. Had it not been for Xian's gut feeling that something terrible has befallen you, I am afraid we would have lost you today."

"Thank you. You may leave now. I will be more careful in the future."

The physician gestures the guards to come and carry Xian to his room, but YiJun stops them, "He will stay here. I am used to him."

The physician nods understandingly and leaves, closing the door behind him. YiJun sits next to Xian and carefully takes the younger boy into his arms and hugs him gently. "You are so stupid! Why did you put yourself at risk like that?"

YiJun stiffens when he feels Xian's arms slowly come up to wrap themselves around his neck. "Why did you put yourself in danger like that, Jun? Stop being reckless. Everyone is worried about you. I am worried about you."

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