Part 2 :- Lost and Found

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Shen watches in shocked surprise as the black web-like lines covering YiJun's neck and shoulder start retreating, and the bite wound seals itself close on its own, leaving behind unblemished skin.

He looks at YiJun's broke wrist and hears the sounds of bones rearranging themselves. He would have missed it, had it not been for his strong hearing sense.

Shen waits and watches as his nephew goes through a change.

A few minutes pass in dead silence, and then suddenly, YiJun opens his eyes.

"YiJun, how are you feeling?" Shen asks, catching YiJun's eyes.

YiJun stands up without any help.

"I feel fine, Uncle. Help me get to Xian."

"As you wish," Shen replies with a dazed look in his eyes.

"Uncle!" YiJun snaps at Shen, and the older man's eyes become clear again.

Shen avoids YiJun's gaze.

"I think you have the power of persuasion. YiJun, there are a lot of guards outside. Use this power to control the guards." Shen suggests.

"Mn." YiJun nods, and the two men walk out of the room.

They face a dozen or so guards when they try to take the stairs to get to Xian, but the guards are no match for YiJun's persuasion power and Shen strength.

Finally, when the last guard hits the floor, YiJun throws open the doors to his room.

"Xian... Noooooo!" YiJun screams and runs towards Xian, who is lying in a pool of blood.

The scent of blood hits YiJun's senses, and his iris turns red. He sways. He feels a need to lick the blood on the floor, but he pushes the feeling down.

At the sound of his name, Xian turns his head to look at YiJun.

"Xian..." YiJun mutters under his breath and takes Xian into his arms.

"Who did this to you?" He asks, looking at his lover's slit wrists and bloodstained chest.

"Why are you here, Jun?" Xian asks in a low voice.

"I killed her, Xian. I was pretending to be under her spell. That was the only way to gain her trust. Xian, I didn't touch her. Xian, are you listening to me?"

"I waited for you at dusk." Xian whispers, looking at the open window and continues, "You didn't come to me at dusk. You left me all alone to face the dark. You know I hate it, right? You didn't come to me at dusk. " Xian repeats.

"I am here now. I will never leave you." YiJun reassures, caressing Xian's cheek.

Xian's breaths become shallow, "I thought you didn't want me anymore. I thought you left me. So I thought it's better to leave."

"Xian, hold on. I will take you to the Royal Physician." YiJun lifts Xian as if he weighed nothing, and starts running towards the physician's quarters.

Xian winces at the pain caused due to movement.

"Sorry," YiJun apologizes, slowing down.

"Why are you here?" Xian asks, making YiJun look at him questioningly.

"He has lost too much blood. I think he is delusional." Shen guesses.

"Xian, I killed her. I was merely pretending to be under her spell. Do you understand? I didn't abandon you."

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