Part 3 :- In 'Sickness' and In 'Health'

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YiJun walks to Xi Xi, "Aunty, you are mistaken; he is just asleep. His wounds healed. See." YiJun says, showing Xian's wrists to them.

Cong looks at YiJun's smiling face before pulling him into his arms.

"It's okay, uncle." He removes himself from Cong's embrace, "Uncle, did you bring his medicine?"

Cong understands that Xian's passing has broken something in YiJun. He decides that it's best not to tell him the truth, "Sorry, son, I forgot to bring it." He pretends to check Xian once again, "Ah... Yes. Xian's sleep is complicated. You see, even brewing the medicine will take time." Cong lies, smiling at YiJun.

YiJun's smile widens. He looks at Xian's body, "Your Jun will wait for you, Xian." He walks over to Xian and removes Xi Xi's hands from around Xian's wrist, "Aunty, please don't worry. I will take care of him."

Xi Xi starts crying harder, making YiJun look at Cong with questions in his eyes. Cong motions YiJun to follow him outside. YiJun goes with him.

Once they are outside, Cong closes the door; YiJun frowns. Cong squeezes the prince's shoulder, "I just don't want to disturb Xian." He says, trying to make YiJun understand. "Ha. I am so stupid. Uncle is making sure that Xian stays comfortable." YiJun smiles affectionately.

"Son, can you tell me everything that happened today?" Cong asks; he knows Xian is gone, but it looks like YiJun is physically fine, and that is against everything that Cong and Xi Xi know about getting bound. And Xian's Lotus mark was a sign that theirs was a Soulbond. That would have meant instant death for YiJun as well. But that is not what Cong was witnessing.

YiJun tells Cong everything from the time he had left Xian at this very cottage, till the time Xian had fallen asleep in YiJun's arms, to the promise he had made to return to YiJun.

Cong was a smart and learned man. From what YiJun had told him, Cong had realized that YiJun was not human anymore, but he was not a wolf either. Cong had never heard of any wolf surviving the bite of Night Creatures. So he concluded that YiJun had probably turned into a night creature, but he had also never read about night creatures being this calm around humans. Not to mention, be this calm around Xi Xi, who was the descendant of the Bai bloodline. It was unheard of.

The night creatures only had thirst: for blood, sex, and power.

And if YiJun had indeed become a creature of the night, he would have killed and drained them at sight. But here he was, smiling and refusing to accept the truth. Truth that his Xian was gone.

Cong felt like he was missing something. It was like YiJun still possessed a soul; Like he knew right from wrong.

Then it hits Cong 'The Blood Protection spell'. The one Xian had asked about.

Cong's mind races, 'Is it possible that Xian could do higher-level magic? Is that why he was so hell-bent on getting his hands on all magic books?... But that still wouldn't be possible because for the spells to work, one would have to be at least nineteen.'

Cong asks, "YiJun, when the spell we put on Xian to bind him broke, did you happen to cut Xian over the lotus mark?"

"Uncle, how did you guess? Xian said it was our little secret. Why do you ask?"

Cong shakes his head and turns away from YiJun; Tears stream down his face. "Just like that, Son. Was there anything else over the years that Xian did and asked you to keep a secret?"

YiJun remains quiet.

'He won't break his promise to Xian.' Cong realizes. He turns to look at YiJun, and his eyes fall on the golden shell locket. "YiJun, may I see it?"

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