Part 8 :- In 'Pain' and In 'Pleasure'

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 As the evening draws closer, Xian returns to YiJun's chamber and finds the prince studying at his desk. "Jun," He calls, and walks over to the Prince. 

 "Mn." Jun turns and hugs the younger boy.

"I need to go home tonight. Maybe, tomorrow night as well."

"Why?" YiJun asks, letting go of Xian.

"I am working something. I will show it to you when it's done."

YiJun doesn't ask anything else. He hugs the younger boy and bids him goodbye.




*Night, Xian's home*

As soon as Xian returns home, he runs to meet his father.

 "Father, in the books you gave me to read, I read something about blood protection. Can you help me understand it better?"

Cong's eyes widen in surprise, "Son, you are too young to understand it."

"Father, trust me, I will understand it. I have read enough books in your library to understand the concepts."

"Son, there is no point in understanding it. What will you do with it? It's not like that knowledge is going to help you." Cong says, trying to discourage Xian.

"Father, it may be useless, but I still want to understand it. Please, father, there is no harm in learning, right?" Xian urges.

Cong keeps mum. He doesn't like the idea of teaching the intricacies of a spell to the young boy.

Xian changes his method, "Father, I miss Jun. The magic books help me; distract me."

The method works; Cong melts. "Fine. I will explain it to you, just this once. You know that talking about magic and spells can get you into trouble, right?"

"Mn. Don't worry, father. Your son is smart." Xian says, smiling brightly.

Cong had to admit that Xian was indeed, a smart boy. During the week, when they were putting the spell on Xian, Cong and Xi Xi had seen a change in the young boy. He had become more mature and strong-willed. 

To keep himself distracted from the pain, Xian had occupied himself with books on various topics. He had read several ancient ancestral books that mentioned magic spells that had protected their people for centuries.

He had become curious and asked his father why magic was not practiced by their people now. And Cong had explained how the ability to perform magic had been snatched away from them due to an evil curse that had plagued the region around a century ago. Cong had not elaborated on the curse; Xian had not pushed him for details.

"I trust you, Son," Cong says, before explaining the intricacies of the blood protection spell to Xian.

The next day Xian goes to YiJun's chamber. He closes the door and takes off his top garments.

YiJun holds Xian's wrist, "What are you doing? And since when do you have this mark on you?" The prince asks, lightly touching the lotus-shaped mark on Xian's chest.

Xian smiles, "I got it a few days ago. It's nothing." Xian pauses and removes YiJun's top garments as well.

"Xian! What are you doing?", YiJun tries to stop Xian once again, but Xian merely gives a squeeze to the prince's hand as if to say that he knows what he is doing, "I need you to do something. Jun, I told you that I needed something from you. I am here to collect it."

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