Part 1 :- 'Better' or 'Worse'

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Years had flown by in a blink of an eye. The bond between the boys had grown stronger. Deeper and more profound.

Though the two of them were like chalk and cheese, they were inseparable. Since the queen's passing, Xian had continued to stay with YiJun most of the nights. They slept in different beds, but close enough that if one rolled over, he could be in the other's bed.

YiJun was growing up to be a breathtakingly handsome adolescent boy, and Xian’s beauty could rival that of any noblewoman on any day.

Wherever the two went, they attracted both male and female attention. The court ladies and the palace staff had often directed flirty looks towards both the prince and his playmate.

Every morning YiJun used to have weapons training, and Xian used to sit and watch YiJun learn and practice his sword skills. Xian had no interest in these, so while YiJun practiced, Xian sat a few meters away and observed YiJun with eyes full of affection and admiration.

Xian had also taken an interest in drawing and painting. So most of the days when YiJun returned from practice, Xian used to hand over his artwork to YiJun.

Xian was indeed very talented. He had a knack of capturing beauty like no other. He had started by drawing inanimate objects and slowly progressed to drawing live things and abstract art.

Whenever YiJun used to like a painting a lot, he used to give Xian a hug or a kiss. But that had stopped as the boys had grown older. They had understood that kisses and hugs were not something to be given and received so freely.

Every evening, YiJun studied politics and other disciplines that he would one day need to govern the nation. Xian stayed with him and learned the same things. 

Everyone believed that Xian would one day take his place next to YiJun, as his advisor and confidant. 

The king too, had had no objections to it. After the passing of the queen, the king had changed. He had become kinder. He was also grateful to Xi Xi for taking care of the young prince like her own. 

The king had observed that Xian had no interest in riches or power, both of which corrupted the soul. Xian had the purest soul the king had ever come across. The only thing Xian had ever wanted was to stay next to YiJun.

The king had also noticed that YiJun was happier and more proactive when Xian was next to him. It was as if YiJun wanted to be a better person whenever Xian was around.

On multiple occasions, everyone had experienced how much Xian understood and cared for YiJun. It was like Xian had a sixth sense when it came to YiJun.

Unfortunately, when YiJun had entered his fourteenth year, he had become more aggressive. Even his friendship with Xian, who was just thirteen then, had not remained unaffected. Often, YiJun would scream at Xian and walk away without even giving him an explanation. Xian had begged for forgiveness or, at least, an explanation, but YiJun had offered him none. 

Additionally, the prince had asked Xian not to spend the nights in his room. When Xian had asked for an explanation, YiJun had once again not been forthcoming. So Xian had started going back home with his mother at dusk. As more time passed, Xian’s visits to the palace lessened.

Finally, one day, Xi Xi had come to the king and asked for Xian to be taken back home, for good. "YiJun is old enough now. He doesn’t need us anymore." Xi Xi had said resolutely.

The king had agreed. "I don’t have any authority to stop you. You may do as you please. I just ask that you speak to YiJun about it first."

Xi Xi had then gone to YiJun, "Prince, my work here is done. I am here to inform you that both me and Xian would leave the palace tomorrow at dawn." Xi Xi had informed. 

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