Part 1 :- Till 'Death' do us Part

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*Quin Kingdom.*

Meng Yao's eyes open at dusk. He feels out of sorts. 

'Why has Shin not returned yet?' He wonders.

Shin, his beloved sister, had gone to the Wang Kingdom the day before. She had fallen for a human Prince. At least, that is what she had told him. His sister was a weird one. She liked to be fucked by wolves. Unlike him, who used to change his bed partner every night, she had continued to use a wolf called Shen, almost every day for the last sixteen years. 

She had rescued Shen when she had found him almost dead, near the Wang Kingdom. First, she had tried to win his heart. She had wanted to be loved by him. But when the wolf had kept refusing her, she had given up and used her power of persuasion. 

She had made sure that he doesn't kill himself. For almost sixteen years, she had injected him with silver, to keep him from turning. Till one day, at a banquet, she had come across a young Prince and had decided to marry him. 

"Brother, he is the most beautiful man I have ever seen. I want to turn him. I want to mark him. I want to marry him." She had told Meng Yao.

Meng Yao had allowed it. At first, he had sent a polite letter to YiJun's uncle, the Regent, and asked for YiJun's hand in marriage for his sister. When the Regent had refused, he had attacked the neighboring Kingdoms to show his might.

Having no choice but to bow down to the strength of Quin kingdom, The Regent had agreed to the alliance between his nephew and Princess Shin. 

Shin had left a day before; she was supposed to return to Quin the same night with her husband, but she hadn't. 

Meng Yao had waited to receive his sister, but as the sun had risen, his eyes had closed. 

He was a night creature, after all. The first one to be born out of the curse: Jade's Curse.

Unlike his clan, whom he had chosen and turned, he had the power to walk in the sun. The sunlight, however, made him weak.

Meng Yao did not like the feeling of being weak, so he avoided the sun. He knew that he was invincible. Though the bite of a wolf was painful to him, it did not have the power to kill him. 

There was only one way to kill him, but he had closed that path more than a century ago.

After Shin had left for Wang Kingdom, Meng Yao had secretly sent his most trusted man, XiChen, to watch over Shin as a part of her escort team, but Shin had refused, "Brother, I can take care of myself." She had said.

XiChen, therefore, had left for the Wang Kingdom a few hours after Shin had left. 

Now, it was already dusk, and there was still no sign of either of them.

Meng Yao decides to go to Wang Kingdom himself. He prepares the guards and is about to set out, when the palace gates open and XiChen enters with Shin.

Meng Yao runs towards them and takes Shin's mutilated body from XiChen's arms. 

Meng Yao's eyes turn red with anger when he sees Shin's condition. "XiChen, why is my sister like this!?"

XiChen falls at Meng Yao's feet, "Master, I am sorry. I found her like this in Wang palace."

"What!? Did Shen do this to her?" Meng Yao asks, looking at his sister's ripped out throat.

"I think so, Master. I tried to search for him, but I think he fled right after he bit princess."

Meng Yao observes the bite, and his eyes take in the gaping wound in her abdomen. "I think he stabbed her too." Meng Yao pauses, "What about the prince?"

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