Something Gained and Something Lost

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When Wang YiJun was around five, his mother had taken ill. 

"Father, why does mother not leave her room anymore? Father, talk to mother, please. Father, what is wrong with her?" YiJun had asked many questions to not only his father, but to many people all over the palace. In the end, however, he had not received any answers.

Then one day, when YiJun had finished his lessons for the day, he had come to visit his mother in her room at dusk. His eyes had fallen on a woman dressed in simple, yet neat clothing. She was roughly his mother's age and was talking to the queen. 

'Mother is smiling.' YiJun had observed. 

Then he had walked in and stood in front of his mother's bed. Though he had not interrupted the two women, they had stopped talking when they had seen YiJun arrive. 

The woman had smiled and walked towards YiJun, "You must be Prince YiJun."


"Nice to meet you, Prince, I was your mother's assistant before she married your father." The lady had said, looking affectionately at YiJun's mother.

"Xi Xi, you know I always thought of you as my sister." The queen had said, before beckoning YiJun to come closer.

She had held YiJun's hands and spoken softly, "Son, your mother is not well, aunty Xi Xi is here to keep me company and to help me take care of you."

"I don't need anyone to take care of me." YiJun had said confidently.

"I know, but since I am unable to spend time with you like I did before... "

"She can not replace you." YiJun had said, getting agitated.

The queen had realized that she had hurt her son's pride. So she had changed her approach. "Of course, of course... You see, my friend has a son too, he is a little younger than you. And since Aunty Xi Xi will be busy taking care of me, her son will be left all alone. Son, could you please do me a favor and take care of Xian."

"Xian?" YiJun had repeated the name.

Slowly a cute boy with the most beautiful smile the little prince had ever seen had peeked from behind Xi Xi. 

"Xian, come here." The queen had beckoned the other boy to her bedside as well. 

The boy had come and stood next to YiJun.

"Xian, will it be ok if YiJun took care of you since you won't be able to see your mother as often as you do now?" The queen had asked the smaller boy.

"EJun?" The small boy had tried to say the prince's name.

"YiJun. It's YiJun." the prince had tried to clarify. 

 "Jun.. Jun. Hehe." The younger boy had laughed, finding the way the prince had said his name, hilarious. 

"Don't call me like that!" YiJun had said, sounding highly offended.

"Jun... Jun- Jun." The child had repeated before holding YiJun's wrist and dragging him out of his mother's room.

YiJun had thrown a very disappointed look at his mother and found her smiling. He had then begrudgingly let himself be dragged outside by Xian.

Once outside, Xian had let go of YiJun's hand. He had started picking up flowers and collecting them in his shirt.

Even after minutes, when Xian had continued to pick up flowers, curiosity had gotten the best of YiJun. He had finally asked, "What are you doing, Xian?"

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