Part 4 :- In 'Pain' and In 'Pleasure'

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"Xian... You are back."

Xian's smile is brighter than the sun itself, "Yes. Did you miss me, Jun?" He asks sweetly.

Without even a second's delay, YiJun pulls the younger boy into his arms; a stabbing pain shoots through Xian's chest at the touch, and he gasps.

YiJun lets go of Xian immediately and steps back to look at him, "Did I hurt you?... I am sorry."

"Jun is strong, but not strong enough to hurt me. You can never hurt me," Xian says, holding YiJun's hand and intertwining their fingers; the pain in his chest reduces to discomfort once again.

"Xian, I missed you. Every day without you was like a decade." YiJun steps closer once again and cups Xian's face within his palms.

Xian expects the pain to intensify, but it remains constant. 'I need to know what makes it hurt and what doesn't.' Xian thinks to himself; his hand travels his chest subconsciously.

YiJun doesn't miss it. He knows that Xian is hiding something, "Xian, what is wrong?"

Xian smiles affectionately, kissing the palm of his soulmate's hand, "Now that my Jun is with me, how can there be anything wrong?" He looks at YiJun from head to toe, and pouts, "Jun, I am upset with you. I can see that you have been skipping meals, and it looks like you are overworking yourself too."

Calming, YiJun's eyes take in Xian's appearance. 'Something is not right. Someone hurt him. He is still hurting. Even his eyes seem guarded. What did uncle do to him?' YiJun wonders.

When YiJun doesn't answer, Xian gets worried, 'Does he suspect that there is something different about me?'

Xian wants them to go back to their carefree time together; he wants to hold and touch Jun like before. He has missed him. 'I can endure the pain, but I can't make him worry.'

"Jun, I missed you... " Xian says before throwing his arms around YiJun and burying his face in the older boy's neck; YiJun returns the embrace.

The dull ache in Xian's chest intensifies; he ignores it. His body, pressed against YiJun's, feels good; he looks at YiJun's beautiful face, "You know you are gorgeous, don't you, Jun?" Xian says, looking at YiJun's lips, then suddenly without warning, he captures YiJun's lips between his.

As soon as their lips connect, Xian feels like his chest is being crushed under a ton of bricks. He finds it difficult to breathe, but he doesn't break the kiss; he deepens it. He pushes his tongue between YiJun's lips, which the older boy accepts, by parting his lips.

YiJun's moans get drowned between their lips. An intense need to devour Xian fills him, and forgets the promise he had made to Xi Xi. He picks up the younger boy, and without breaking the kiss, he carries Xian to bed.

Putting Xian on the bed, he goes to close the door. In the meanwhile, Xian feels like he being whipped. By the time YiJun returns, Xian's forehead is burning up, and his body is soaked in his sweat.

YiJun's eyes widen at the sight of Xian writhing in pain; he panics and sits next to him on the bed, "Xian, what is wrong!?"

On recalling the promise he had made to Xi Xi, he feels horrible. 'Maybe he is like this because I went back on my word... What was I going to do just now!? How would I have ever forgiven myself if I had... '

YiJun can not even bring himself to complete that train of thought. "I will get the physician," YiJun says, standing up and trying to leave the bed. But before he can even take a step away, Xian holds his wrist, "Don't go, please."

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