Part 7 :- In 'Sickness' and In 'Health'

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"Magic?" YiJun feels lost.

"Xian did not tell you, but he could do magic. Not just ordinary spells like us, but powerful magic."

"So if... if he returns in a different body, he will be capable of strong magic. YiJun, you need to be careful; you must never bite a human being. You are part creature of darkness. If you bite a human, they will either die or turn into something unnatural."

YiJun feels confused once again. He doesn't understand why he would want to bite anyone. When he voices his thoughts, Cong explains, "Creatures of night survive on blood. You are part night creature. You may feel the need to kill and drink."

"I promise that I will never kill an innocent. Nor will I bite a human." Then something occurs to him. He looks away. Embarrassment colors his face, "Uncle, could I talk to you alone for a moment?"

Xi Xi leaves the room.

"I have bitten him... while... " YiJun tries to say the words, but fails. 

 "I understand, son. Don't worry. You will never be able to hurt Xian; your bite will never hurt him either. And your blood will have the power to heal him, just like it always has."

"Can it heal others too? Can my blood heal others?"

"Yes, it can. But if you ever mark a human, if you bite and drink from them, Xian's soul will leave you. His blood that protects you will become tainted."

YiJun nods; Cong hugs him. "Son, take care of yourselves."

He looks at YiJun's face and remembers that there is one last thing that had slipped his mind, "YiJun, there is one more thing, if Xian returns..."

"Cong!" They hear Shen yelling. 

 Xi Xi enters too.

Shen enters and starts putting all of Xian's things in a sheet. "You guys need to go now. Go to the waterfall cave. YiJun, help me pack. The night creatures- I think they are planning the search the area. I went to the palace and burnt everything that had Xian's scent on it. We need to leave now."

He looks at YiJun, "Only take what we can carry: important things. I have bought a carriage." He instructs his nephew. 

Cong and Xi Xi take turns hugging Shen and YiJun; YiJun starts loading Xian's books and other personal items into the carriage. 

Xi Xi holds Xian's unmoving form in her arms and kisses his cheek. "I will see you again, son. Stay safe; always smile."

Shen squeezes Xi Xi's shoulder lightly, "I promise, I will take care of Xian."

 She nods and puts her hand over her chest; she recites a spell. She puts her hand on Xian's forehead, and it glows for a second. She winces and looks at her wrist, where a triskelion mark has appeared.

 She winces and looks at her wrist, where a triskelion mark has appeared

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